18 - Could It Be Wrong (Part 2)

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a/n: whoa! how did this get to 1k reads so fast? you guys are awesome! anyway, to celebrate, i'm going to upload this chapter a bit earlier than i usually update (at least, for me, this is early). and to cut it short, the song rec for this chapter is Sweet Disposition by Temper Trap. thank you so much for supporting me! hope you enjoy reading this chapter!!


To say that Camila was caught off guard by what Lauren just said would be a total understatement. The smaller brunette felt way too many things for such a short period of time - for starters, her stomach felt the familiar flutter of butterflies that she usually takes for a warning sign that she really is catching feelings for someone and second, she thinks, "Damn, Lauren could really make a girl speechless, huh?"

But before Camila could respond or, to be more exact, gape like fish and embarrass herself, Chelsea saves the day.

"How are you two doing?" Chelsea asks with a huge warm smile as she walks up to where the two girls are sitting.

"U-Um..." Camila sputters and Lauren catches on to the effect that she had on the smaller brunette.

"Great! We're doing great!" Lauren says after clearing her throat.

"Y-Yeah! I'm just finishing up, um, braiding these around her wrist t-then it'll be her turn to do me, right Lo?"

Camila's eyes widen the moment she hears herself say it.

Lauren mirrors the smaller girl's expression because did she hear that right? Did Camila just literally ask Lauren to do her?

"That's so good to hear! I'm so glad that the two of you are going along!" Chelsea, again, cuts whatever atmosphere Camila's words just set.

Lauren almost rolls her eyes. But she fights the urge to do so, reminding herself of how genuine and warm Chelsea was just trying to be.

"Yeah, well, we're roommates too so whatever we miss out to do in public, we can just do in our room." Lauren says, casting a teasing side-eye at Camila, who manages to look even more bewildered by the second.

Before Chelsea could further the conversation, one of the event managers walks up to her and whispers something in her ear and with no hesitation, Chelsea excuses herself from the two.

A moment of almost uncomfortable silence settles between them as neither one says anything nor move a muscle.

"So." Lauren says, scratching the back of her neck, not really knowing what to say. Camila jolts a little.

The smaller brunette focuses her eyes on the friendship bracelet that she's braiding around Lauren's wrist, barely humming in response to Lauren.

"I, uh, oh! We never really got around finishing that game we were playing earlier!"

Camila looks up for a second, meeting Lauren's gaze, before looking back down at what she's doing with a small smile playing on her lips.

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