4 - Make the Same Ones I Have Made Before (Part 2)

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a/n: welcome back, sunshine!! great to have you here again!! i am very sorry for taking a bit longer than usual for this update as i was busy working on a form i had to turn in. but anyway, i'm going to keep this short so you can get at it already! song rec for this chapter is End of Desire by Muna. hope you enjoy reading through this one!!


The club's walls seem to pulsate along with the beat of the song that's being played over the speakers. It's been four hours since she and Ally sang on stage and Lauren has lost count of how many shots she's downed and how many strangers have gathered the courage to walk up to her and try to strike a conversation. She's become accustomed to it from the months of steadily building their fan base. And to be fair, she really does try to talk to them but everyone and everything just seems over saturated. Like the colors just keep on screaming and screaming and screaming.

And she feels like she's fading away.

She feels infinitely small and the world out there is infinitely big and wide and infinitely something that she doesn't deserve to be in.

This hollowness has turned itself into quicksand and it feels like I've only been treading for the past few months

She signals the bartender to line up another shot for her.

"Lauren?" An all too familiar voice asked from behind her. It takes the green-eyed brunette a few moments, as she has to wait for her vision to clear, to somehow recognize the girl.

"L-Lucy?" Lauren stammers and almost falls off from the bar stool as Lauren turned to look at her.

"You didn't tell me you were going to play here in Austin! How have you been?"

"Yeah, well, you know. I --" Lauren couldn't even form a coherent statement from the amount of alcohol she's had tonight. The sound of a shot glass being put down in front of Lauren by the bartender snatches Lauren's attention for a brief moment before she feels slender fingers snake around her forearm.

"Lolo? Baby? How much have you had tonight?"

Lucy moves close enough to Lauren for the green-eyed brunette to take note of Lucy's perfume.

"You smell... like vanilla." Lauren says as she lays her head on Lucy's chest.

"Do you wanna come over at my place, baby? I'm pretty sure we can Uber from here."

"W-Wait why are... you calling me b-baby?" Lauren's brows moving closer together, forming a crease from the girl's unfiltered confusion.

"Oh, come here ba-" Lucy was beginning to guide Lauren from her bar stool towards the exit of the club when a voice cuts her off.

"Yeah, Lucy. Why do you keep calling her baby when it was clear by how you made her feel that choosing to chase her dreams over staying here just to be with you was, I don't know, you and Lauren are fucking done?" Ally stepped in, knowing full well how the two girls could end up being so toxic for each other.

Ally remembers how the beginning of Lauren and Lucy's relationship seemed the warmest most picturesque thing - Lucy would hold Lauren's hand while they're walking through the park with Ally and the rest of their friends which in turn would make Lauren smile this genuine smile that just radiates the sunshine inside of her while Lauren, in turn, would spend her weekends finding the right song that would fit perfectly in her newest mixtape for Lucy.

Ally remembers the way Lauren used to smile. Her genuine smile.

But things only went downhill once graduation season started.

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