11 - Break Like An Artist (Part 2)

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a/n: what up, cute stuff? sorry this update took longer than usual. i'm trying to take a break from everything that's happening around me. but as usual, i'm going to keep this short so you can get to reading soon. the song rec for this fic is I Know A Place by MUNA. enjoy reading!! hearts!


"Camz!" Dinah's voice booms through the Serendipity as Camila walks in, letting an easy smile rest on her lips as the sight of her best friend

"Hey Cheechee, miss me already?" Camila says with a faux smirk as she pulls out the chair next to Dinah.

"Shut yo cute little butt up, Cabello. I already ordered food for us and I... might have let myself go crazy."

"W-what do you mean?"

"I might have ordered us one whole cake... because.... you know... um, we gotta celebrate the talk you had with your psychiatrist today!!!"

"You were craving for it weren't you?"

"Hey! Even if your statement -- I mean, even if your assumption could be partially true, you know we still gotta celebrate your first little baby step. Anyway, all of that being said, how'd it go?"

"Okay, oh my God, where do I start. So first of all, my psychiatrist's name is Naya and I just have to put it out there -- she's so fucking gorgeous. Her lips looked so soft and the way she talked to me didn't make me feel like I was inferior to her whatsoever and her fingers looked so--"

"Camz!" Dinah cut Camila off before laughing for a good three seconds.


"You're gaying out! And it's not like I'm complaining or anything but I want to know how your talk went. Like, did she prescribe you anything? Did you, like, get something out of it?"

"Well, she let me talk about things... a lot of things, actually. I think I might've talked for, like, longer than I ever thought I could."

"Was she prying you for it or something?"

"No, not at all! I think she was just waiting for me to spill or something."

"Okay, that's really good to know, keep going."

"Yeah and well, she prescribed me some, erm, anti-depressants. And oh, God! I almost forgot! Remember that secluded retreat facility you told me about?"

"1000 Hands Recovery and Retreat Center?"

"Yeah! Well, at first she told me that I'm required to go to the clinic every weekend so that she can monitor my progress and all that but then I brought up my interests regarding the facility..."


"And she told me that the retreat center is actually one of their accredited sister companies which basically means that I don't have to go to the clinic every weekend."

"Wait, so how will your progress be monitored then?"

Before Camila could answer, Heather arrives with their cake and sets it on the table. The cashier traded a few pleasantries with Dinah and Camila before rushing back to the counter to get back to the huge order of cupcakes that she's preparing.

"Okay, so" Camila starts as she slices the cake before continuing.

"Apparently 1000 Hands Recovery and Retreat Center has councilors too which could do the monitoring part of the job. But I still have to be able to remind myself when to drink my meds though."

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