29 - If You Don't Mind (I'll Walk That Line)

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a/n: welcome back, sundance! the song rec for this chapter is Talk Me Down by Troye Sivan. i sure hope you find this chapter to your liking! and without further ado, let's get on with the chapter! hearts!


Lauren is woken up when she feels someone shivering beside her. The taller girl almost instinctively punches whoever it was she assumed was being a creep while she was asleep but she thankfully took a second to look at who it was. She immediately feels her shoulders relax and her hands lose the fists she made in a split second when she sees that it was only Camila.

It takes her a second to recall why the two of them are out there sleeping on the dock.

"So that wasn't all a dream, huh?" Lauren recalls the party - meeting Normani, playing 'spin the bottle' with Emma and a bunch of other strangers, the heated makeout session she had with Camila just before Lucy had to interrupt and ruin it all for Lauren. 

The taller girl feels her heart beat faster when she thinks of where things would've went if they didn't get interrupted. 

But then she remembers running out the party and everything turning red and screaming and Camila somehow finding her in the dark and saying all the things that made Lauren feel less alone as the smaller girl talked Lauren down from the girl's break down. 

The smaller girl shivers again and Lauren easily shrugs off the denim jacket that she was wearing and carefully laid it on top of Camila as a blanket. The smaller girl unconsciously snuggles into it and Lauren couldn't help but let her eyes linger on the girl.

Camila's face looked peaceful - her hair a bit disheveled as she was laying her head on her arms. The light blues and orange colors of the early morning sky faintly colliding with the sleeping girl's face, making her look like a living, breathing, piece of art that should be on The Louvre - at least, that's what Lauren thinks.

The taller girl decides that she's been staring at the smaller girl a bit too long so she decides to stand up. Tiptoeing cautiously as to not wake up the smaller girl. Lauren begins walking around the lake but never too far enough to lose sight of Camila. She looks around and sees an abundance of little white daisies sprouting up just below the dock. The taller girl smiles to herself as she knew exactly what she was going to do with them.

She walks back to the dock and bends down just to pick about two handfuls of the daisies, careful not slip on the soft dirt near the lake. Looking at the flowers in her hands, Lauren couldn't help but remember the time her mother would make her fresh flower crowns from the carnations in their garden. She remembers how her mom's fingers would expertly knot their stems together without breaking them and how warm she felt whenever her mother would kiss her on the nose after putting the flower crown on her head.

"I want Camila to somehow feel that kind of warmth too." Lauren thinks to herself as she's now walking on the dock, back to Camila.

But right when she was just a few steps away from the sleeping girl, Lauren accidentally puts a bit too much weight on the creaky step of the dock. She winces when it creaked a bit too loudly, noticing how Camila jolts upright from her slumber. The smaller girl is looking around with wide eyes before she spots Lauren.

"Oh thank God! I thought the dock was falling apart." Camila says with a raspy voice, a hand over her heart.

So Close (Camren)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora