13 - All I Want To Get Is

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a/n: welcome back, sunshine!! i decided to keep this update (and the next ones) a bit shorter than the most previous ones (they were around 2k words!!) since C and L's individual characteristics in this alternate universe have been established already. that being said, the song rec for this fic is Closer by Tegan and Sara. fingers crossed that you'll appreciate this chapter even if it is a bit short. hearts!!


"D-do you need help with that?" Camila asks tentatively from her bed which is just across the room from where Lauren is.

The two girls have been on a rather awkward silence for the past 30 minutes, after the whole seeing-a-butt-naked-stranger situation transpired between the two of them. Seeing that she didn't have anything better to do, Lauren decided that she should take advantage of the time and use it to unpack the clothes she's brought with her.

"Um, yeah. I'd really appreciate it. I sort of just... threw everything in my bag before me and my best friend left our hotel to go here." Lauren says, with her back to Camila. The taller girl doesn't think she can build up the nerve to look the smaller brunette in the eye after seeing her completely naked -- which was deeply unsettling considering how Lauren's had a string of midnight lovers whom she's seen naked too.

"Oh, cool! So your best friend's gonna be here with you too?" Camila asks as she steps up beside Lauren and starts helping take out some of the clothes from one of the luggage bags.

"I wish. But no, 'cause this is more of a... personal thing?"

"O-oh, shoot! Sorry, I really didn't mean to pry."

"No, it's fine. Really. I don't really mind you asking." Lauren says as her eyes grow wide from what she sees inside her luggage bags -- a fucking lace bra. She tries to reach for it before Camila could get her hands on them while mentally cursing at Ally for managing to sneak it in her luggage.

"Why the fuck would Ally pack me a lace bra??" Lauren curses at Ally internally.

But before she could do so, Camila's hands land on it the same time that Lauren tries to reach for it. Which again leads to the two of them fumbling with how to handle the perplexing situation that they find themselves in, yet again.

The second that their hands touch, Camila flinches. Seemingly oblivious to Lauren's lace bra, she looks away while fixing her hair. Lauren almost breathes out a sigh of relief if only her breath wasn't caught up in her throat from the contact too.

"So, uh..." Lauren starts after clearing her throat. Making Camila turn towards her and meet her eyes.

Lauren fights the feeling of her stomach dropping a million feet in the mere seconds that the girl's eyes meets hers and continues.

"Do you think -- I mean, it's cool if you don't want to but, um, well, do you want to eat lunch with me, or something? 'Cause I really don't know anyone here but, y'know, it's chill if you already had plans."

"Oh, yeah! I'm down for that. T-Thanks, I was actually thinking of asking you the same thing but I couldn't, like, find the right words for it without me ending up sounding creepy." Camila says the last part only above a whisper and Lauren senses that the smaller girl is somehow shy.

"Well, I don't get why such a gorgeous face like that would find a reason to be shy but I sure as hell respect her. There could be a lot more than what's seen on the surface anyway." Lauren thinks.

"Cool! I'm just going to finish packing and do you wanna maybe, walk around before lunch starts?"

"Y-Yeah, sure!" Camila responds, her face lighting up with a smile, making Lauren smile too.

The two girls then fall into a somehow easy silence. With Camila unpacking the clothes from one of Lauren's bags that specifically did not contain any of Lauren's underwear (the taller brunette made sure of this and casually swipes any misplaced underwear of hers from the bag that Camila's unpacking). It's in this silence that Lauren realizes something,

"Oh my God." Lauren blurts out.

"What is it?" Camila asks, a bit startled from the break in their silence.

"I'm so stupid!" Lauren says, putting her head on her hands.

"What are you saying? What's wrong?"

"Here I am, making you touch and help me unpack my clothes when -- when --" Lauren bursts out laughing, earning a confused and slightly concerned look from Camila.


"Sorry, I'm just -- What's your name? Sorry, I'm so bad at small talk when I'm not trying to get into someone's pants. Anyway, yeah. What's your name?"

"Oh, I'm Camila. You almost had me worried there." The smaller girl replies with a soft chuckle.

"Well, Camila-you-almost-had-me-worried-there, I'm Lauren. I'm glad I was assigned to the same cabin as you." Lauren teases as she sticks out her hand for the smaller girl to shake, earning a playful shove from the smaller girl instead.

"Hey! At least I'm not the one who checked a complete stranger out when they just got out from the shower." Camila throws back, sticking out her tongue at Lauren, making her nose scrunch up.

Lauren feels her heart beat against her chest.

"Oh no." The taller brunette thinks to herself.

"Hey! In my defense, you were the one who dropped your towel!" Lauren manages to retaliate, putting the last of her clothes away in the closet.

"U-Uhuh, and in my defense, um, well, my towel had a moment of weakness, okay?" The smaller girl replies, laughing lightly as she stands up from where she was kneeling beside Lauren's bed.

Lauren just shakes her head as she turns to face the smaller girl again and takes a deep breath.

"Ready to go get our hike on, Ms. Camila-you-almost-had-me-worried-there?" Lauren asks, opening the door for the smaller girl, her hands almost resting on Camila's lower back to guide her out but thankfully she stops herself.

"As ready as I'll ever be, Ms. Lauren a.k.a. I-just-checked-out-my-cabin-mate-for-the-next-few-months-"


"Maybe this is the universe showing me that I won't be so alone." Lauren thinks.

And the two set off to wherever their feet would take them before the lunch bell rings, both wearing the smallest of smiles on their lips.

a/n: whoa!! you made it to the very end of the chapter!! i'm very grateful for the time you put into reading it, really. anyway, i would appreciate it if you guys sent me some of your insights with regards to the story. that being said, may we meet again, sunshine. hearts!!!

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