8 - I'll Be There Soon

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a/n: heck yeah, welcome back, sunshine! i must admit, i feel like i'm getting used to updating this fic on a regular basis (which is a big thing for me, so thank u so much for ur support!!!). anyway, the song rec for this fic is The Moon Song by  Karen O. i'll keep this short - i hope you enjoy reading this chapter!! and also, thank you for continuously reading this fic!!


After having brunch with Dinah and having settled with herself that she has to tell her manager about the break soon, seeing that it'll commence in three days, the writer decides to go to one of her established safe spaces to let herself take in everything that's about to happen in her life -- Serendipity, the small coffee shop just across her apartment.

She walks in, mentally taking note of the lyrics that's playing over the speakers of the shop so that she can search for it later. The writer is immediately greeted by the warm ambiance of the place with the sun filtering in through the glass window just enough to light up the room. Camila expects Heather to welcome her in her usual enthusiastic way but instead, the writer finds herself being mistaken for someone else.

"Miss Lauren, back so soon?" Heather said without so much as lifting her head from the cupcakes that she was decorating.

"Dear me! Has my favorite barista in the whole wide world actually forgotten my name?" Camila said jokingly.

"Wha- Oh, Camila! Sorry, there's this girl who just left and I thought she came back because she forgot something."

"Yeah? Well? How's my favorite barista doing?"

"Well, come to think of it, business has been really slow. Actually, I think you're only the second customer since I opened shop."

"So I'm guessing that the Lauren girl came here before me?"

"Yup!! And, oh! Wait! She left this for you!" Heather exclaimed as she dug through a small cabinet.

"For... me? Why would she want to do anything with me?"

"I can explain!! I swear just - just hear me out!" Heather startled, making Camila laugh with her usual explosive energy.

"Calm down, Heather! I'm sure it's nothing harmless... right?"

"Yeah!! She just asked me for some supplies because she said she was in the mood to write and all - oh, I remember! She said she's a singer! Wait, I'm getting off track. Okay, so anyway, she asked me for some supplies and I said that one of the shop's regulars, a.k.a. you, usually keeps a stash of her writing supplies because she often comes here to write too. So... here we are now." Heather said, handing over Lauren's little note to Camila.

Camila takes the note from Heather and just orders a fruit bowl.

"Whoa, you're not gonna get your usual?"

"Well... I would but I just drank black coffee when I had brunch with my best friend." Camila pouts as she explains, earning a faux gasp from Heather.

"Camila! How could you?!"

"How could I what?!"

"Betray Serendipity! I thought you only drank black coffee when we're the ones who brewed it!" Heather explains with her back to Camila, already preparing the writer's fruit bowl while Camila laughs as she walks to her usual spot.

"Correction: I only love black coffee when you guys are the ones who brewed it." The writer responded, shifting around her spot and noticing a piece of crumpled up paper.

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