22 - Can I Be Close To You (Part 3)

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a/n: and so we are back, sunshine! the song rec for this fic is I See You by MISSIO. and without further ado, let's get on with the chapter! hearts!


Lauren stumbles in the cafeteria, easily spotting Camila and Dinah chatting on a table near one corner of the room. Camila seems to notice Lauren's presence and looks at the taller girl approaching.

"Hey, I'll, uh, go ahead before the line gets long, yeah?" Camila excuses herself right as Lauren reaches their table.

"Sure, we'll stay and make sure no one steals our table." Dinah replies with a wink as Camila quickly walks away and Lauren just nods to herself as she all but watches the smaller girl grab a plate.

A few moments of silence pass between the two girls, with Lauren beginning to sweat from feeling Dinah's scrutinizing stare towards her.

"So you like her, huh?" Dinah says, her tone making her statement sound less of a question and more of an observation.

"I-I'm sorry?"

"You like my Mila?"

"Y-Your Mila? Oh, no! I-I have no intention to, um, steal your girlfriend from you! I'm just gonna go ahead and--" Lauren tries to escape whatever situation she's in right now before Dinah bursts out laughing.

"Oh, man! You should've seen your face! Come on, sit down. We got a lot to talk about."

Lauren complies, still very much confused.

"Look, before we get ahead of ourselves, let's do this again, shall we? Hi, I'm Dinah. I've been Camila's best friend since kindergarten. And even though I am gay, as you correctly assumed, I don't think I'll ever see Mila that way, you know? Besides, there's this girl named Normani and she's like the second reason why I'm here."

"B-But the pictures of you and her on her wall?"

"Oh, please! You gotta understand, Mila has... her own reasons why she only trusts a few people. And like I said, I've been her best friend for so long."


"You okay? I can't seem to read the face you've been making."

"I'm just -- wait, did you just ask me if I liked her?"

"Uh, no girl. I just know that you like her. What, from the way you watched her walk away just now and that little whatever gay moment in the cabin where she topped you, you don't think I'd piece it together?"

"Oh, I -- Well, shit. It's that obvious?!"

"What's so obvious?" Camila's voice makes the both Dinah and Lauren jump.

"The um..." Lauren fumbles over piecing together a convincing answer before Dinah saves her from the trouble of doing so.

"How she wore her flannel to accentuate her eyes." Dinah says, pointing over Lauren's green flannel that the girl changed to before going to the cafeteria.

Camila gives Lauren a slow once over with a look of concentration on her features.

"Yeah, it does bring out your eyes." The smaller girl says as she puts her plate down.

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