24 - It's You

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a/n: welcome back, creampuff! the song rec for this chapter is It's You by Ali Gatie (covered by Shahida Supian). anyway, i hope you enjoy reading through this chapter! hearts!


Camila struggles to keep up with Lauren who's at least two steps ahead of her. She has no idea whatsoever where the taller girl is taking her but Camila's letting herself get dragged along anyway if it meant finally having an excuse to get away from Shawn.

Truth is, she's never felt a chemistry more forced whenever she's around the guy. And yes, she knows that she could be sorry for not having the capacity to return any of the apparent affections that he has towards her, but she's grown out of that confining mindset.

The last few weeks she's spent with Lauren has helped her come into terms with what she deserves and on top of that, with what she doesn't have to tolerate.

"Hey Camz?" Lauren's voice cuts the silence between them.


"Truth or dare?"

"Really?" Camila asks as she rolls her eyes, trying but failing to hide the smile from her voice.


"Okay, truth."

"Are you scared?"


"Of where you think we're heading?"

Camila blinks once, twice, to gather her thoughts. Where they're heading? Is Lauren actually acknowledging the possibility of a future with Camila? The smaller girl tries to wrap her head around the situation before she responds.

"W-What do you mean?"

"Like, right now. Where I'm literally dragging you to? Aren't you afraid of where I might be taking you?" Lauren glances back towards Camila and the smaller girl spots a mischievous grin across Lauren's face.

"Hmm... well, I mean, if you really did have a plan to murder me, you know you could've just murdered me in my sleep right?"

"Smart ass."

"There you go again! Always talking about my ass!" Camila teases.

"Oh, shut up. But really, aren't you creeped out by what could be lurking in the dark? We're literally far enough from anyone that if a situation ever do arises wherein we have to scream for help, no one would hear us."

"Well, not really. We've got each other anyway."

Lauren doesn't look back because even in the dark, she's almost afraid of letting Camila see the blush that has quickly spread across her face. The taller girl tries to clear her head and pauses for a second to look around, the moon shining down on her emerald eyes enough for Camila to see just how deep and vivid their color is.

"Alright, this should be good enough."

"S-Sorry?" Camila cocks her head to the side, wondering just what Lauren meant.

Lauren reluctantly lets go of Camila's hand to gesture around them, as if to answer to the smaller girl's confusion. Camila's eyes roam around. She struggles at first but after a few moments, her eyes finally adjust to the darkness - she makes out a small clearing in the patch of forest, low bushes here and there but not as littered by weeds as the other areas that are off trail. She continues to look around and her eyes eventually fall on the reason why, she assumes, Lauren thought of this particular area in the woods as 'good enough'.

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