26 - Further, Higher (Part 2)

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a/n: welcome back, sunshine! the song rec for this chapter is Nervous by The Neighbourhood. fingers crossed that you'll enjoy reading this one (wink wink)! hearts!


Lauren is almost certain she felt her heart drop to her stomach when she heard Emma's dare for her.

"I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in the room." Emma said, fixing her hair like she was fully expecting Lauren to go over where she was sitting and give her a kiss.

"As if." Lauren says internally as she rolls her eyes.

The girl sitting beside Emma cheers along with some of the other strangers playing with them. Lauren groans. On one hand, a part of her is internally celebrating at the thought of finally kissing Camila because who else would Lauren kiss if she were being completely honest? But on the other hand, the girl is seriously contemplating on convincing Emma to change the dare because for some reason, Lauren doesn't feel like having her first kiss with Camila in front of total strangers who, although might not remember any of this when the morning comes because of how drunk they already are, she feels are intruding on a moment that should only be between Camila and her.

Lauren's brows unconsciously furrow.

She normally doesn't mind kissing someone in front of strangers. Hell, the act could almost be considered a key event whenever she's having another night of her binge drinking sessions after a gig with Ally. But tonight, sitting cross-legged beside the girl that's made her feel more than she's ever possibly felt with anyone else she's had the chance to adore, Lauren doesn't feel like treating Camila the same way she did to everyone else.

"Oh, come on babe! My lips are ready for ya!" Emma slurs a bit too loudly as she opens her arms to Lauren, attracting a few curious glances towards their small group.

"C-Can it not be in front of everyone?" Lauren asks, trying hard to work her way around the dare.

"If I'm gonna have my first kiss with Camila, we're at least gonna have some fucking privacy." Lauren thinks as she adjusts, waiting for Emma to respond.

"Afraid we're gonna do a lot more than just kiss, babe?" Emma replies, her devilish look only irking Lauren.


"Okay, fine then! Lauren, I dare you to take the prettiest girl i-in this group by the hand and take her to the nearest route -- I mean room and make out with heeeer!" Emma says, swaying with the people sitting beside her who did a chorus of 'woos' and 'hell yeahs' when she said it.

"Fuck this." Lauren thinks and takes a deep breath before standing up and grabbing Camila by the hand.

"W-Where are you going, babe?" Emma asks with a half-surprised, half-pathetic look on her face as Lauren begins walking away.

Lauren all but looks over her shoulder and says, "I'm gonna make out with the prettiest girl in the room." She then turns to look at Camila who's wide-eyed just gaping at Lauren.

The taller girl gestures her head to the direction of the few rooms in the cabin and Camila blinks before nodding her head. Lauren takes this as a green light and leads the way, trying not to mind how her heart's beating like she just ran a marathon. The first room the two tried to enter was locked and was most probably occupied by some random couple hooking up. The second room was open but Lauren found, upon entering it first, that a bunch of college kids got into it before them and are too high and faded to even notice the two girls coming in the room. The two make their way upstairs where the last room was and Lauren almost lets out a sigh of relief when she turns the knob and finds that it's empty. She lets Camila walk in before locking the door behind them and the smaller girl looks around the room the same way she did when Lauren took her to the much secluded function hall to so that they can sing together with the accompaniment of a grand piano.

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