33 - In the Sunlight (Part 1)

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a/n: glad to see you back, dearest! i yet again apologize for being a day late on my update (i had a crap ton to take care of with regards to college starting again very soon). anyway, i'll keep this short so you can start on the chapter already! the song rec for this chapter is Sunlight by Yuno. hope you enjoy reading! 


"Wow! Am I ecstatic to see our beautiful guests rocking those swim wears! Am I right fellow counselors?" Chelsea's voice reverberates throughout the clearing where most of the crowd has gathered near the small platform, earning a resounding cheer of approval from the counselors all over the place. The head counsellor's eyes scan the crowd and meet Camila's and she genuinely smiles and nods her head at the writer, instantly relieving some of Camila's anxiety about choosing to wear a t-shirt dress over her bikinis.

"Anyway, you all might be wondering what this lake-side activity is for and as the head counselor of the place, I would like to give you a brief walkthrough just so that you guys know some of the things that will be taking place here this afternoon and why we're doing all of this. Sound good?"

Some guests yell an energetic 'Yeah!' back at the counselor while some, like Camila, just nod their heads.

"So this activity started when the founders of this place, Mrs. and Mrs. Griffin-Woods first took their children here for one of their summer getaways. The small family, along with their friends, ended up bonding over playing some fun team building games right here on this clearing and at one point, on the lake itself. Now, seeing as our facilities are actively prioritizing our guests' healing and recovering process, we found that activities such as these could help you guys establish trust not just within yourselves but also with each other."

A collective sound of understanding emanates from the crowd.

"Alright! Now that it's out there, I'm just going to give you guys a quick run through regarding this afternoon's activities! First, we're going to designate all of you to your respective teams. Afterwards when everyone's settled already, we're going to start with our first game called Relay Flonkerton. If you guys are familiar with The Office, this game was based off of one of the games they had there - so basically each team will have a starting player who will have to race around the poles while boxes filled with paper are strapped to their feet. But, to add the team building experience to it, it's going to be a relay race so everyone in the team's going to participate!"

Most of the guests, along with Lauren, laugh as they recognize the show that was mentioned. The taller girl notices Camila's lack of response and decides to ask the girl about it.

"You don't know The Office?"

"I've... heard of it. I-Is it good?"

"Oh man! We have to marathon it once we're out of here! I have all the seasons at home!" Lauren says and Camila smiles at the idea of the two of them just lounging around Lauren's bedroom, binge watching a show she'll probably get hooked on.

"I'd like that." Camila replies.

Lauren smiles at the smaller girl and they turn back their attention to Chelse who's now describing the second game.

"After Relay Flonkerton, and as most of you have already probably noticed from the nets we've set up, you guys will be playing lake-side volleyball! We've even put some sand along the clearing to really give you guys the beach vibes. But don't worry! If some of you would prefer to just watch it from the sidelines, that would be okay too! We've set up some snacks on the sidelines for the rest of you guys." Chelsea says as she gestures to where five tables were connected to look like one big buffet table of chips, popcorn, some fruit bowls and sandwiches along with a small lemonade stand at the end.

So Close (Camren)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt