Open My Door (2/3)

Start from the beginning

“Who?” The soccer player briefly looked at the brunette. Right then she wanted to slap herself for slipping.

“Keana… The girl you are trying to ask out… Lauren, are you kidding me?” Camila turned to face her ex. “Lauren Michelle Jauregui.”

“Alright, Alright. Calm down, Ms. Cabello. It’s a surprise.” The green-eyed girl chuckled quickly glancing at the flustered brunette on her right. “I know where to take Keana okay. Just give me more rules.”

Camila relaxed a little. She melted in her seat and examined the car. It’s been a while. It was clean as usual and organized. Her eyes caught on something, a piece of post it paper stuck on the dashboard. It had words written on it. A poem. She looked closer and pulled it off. A smile etching on her face as she read it.

“You still read poetry huh?” The brunette whispered.

“And you still keep that between us right?” Lauren asked nervously.

“Before I fell in love with words, with setting skies and singing birds -it was you I fell in love with first.” Camila recited as she swooned over the poem. She looked closely at the very familiar handwriting and realized it wasn’t Lauren’s but that it was hers. She would give the soccer player words of encouragement before her games and she guessed that it was one of them. Her eyes widen and quickly slapped it back on the dashboard. She didn’t think Lauren would keep those. “Ummm… I think you need to hide that or something. Keana wouldn’t want that.”

“I like it. And it’s staying there, I don’t give a fuck what Keana will think.” Lauren stated firmly. It warmed Camila’s heart when she heard those words come out of Lauren’s mouth it was like hearing a melodic chorus choir. The rest of the ride was filled with Camila fulminating about rules Lauren needed to know before her date. The soccer player listened intently but only focused on the girl’s voice rather than the tips itself. “We’re here.”

Lauren parked her car on a street filled with small family businesses. It was kind off like a town that had restaurants and other festivities. The street was illuminated with small Christmas lights that dangled on top of the lampposts. The brunette stared at the scene in awe while Lauren exited the car and walked over to the passenger seat to open Camila’s door.

“You see? I learn.” The soccer player teased. Camila threw the girl an annoyed look before getting out of the car. “Do you like it?”

“Yeah. And I’m sure Keana would love this too.” The brunette walked ahead and took her phone out to snap some photos.

“Right, Keana.” Lauren mumbled. She trailed behind the girl to make sure she doesn’t get lost. “Camz, stay close.”

Camila was too stunned by her surroundings that she barely heard what the other girl had said. She walked farther out on the street and took a photo of the colorful buildings in front of her. She failed to notice a pair of headlights coming right at her. Then all of a sudden strong arm jerked her away from the street saving her life.

“Camila!” Lauren held the petite girl tightly in her arms as the cars zoomed past them. The brunette still dazed on what had just occurred, unable to process anything. The soccer player turned the girl around and glared at her. “Don’t ever do that again! I can’t… I can’t lose you. Not again.”

Camila gulped. This was the first time in years she’s ever seen Lauren so worried and disoriented. She nodded and wrapped her arms around Lauren’s neck. The soccer player placed her arms on the girl’s torso and buried her head on the brunette’s neck. “Don’t scare me like that.” She murmured.

“I’m sorry. I’m fine. I’m sorry.” Camila chanted. After a few minutes, Lauren was finally able to collect herself. She pulled away and locked eyes with the brunette. She cleared her throat and placed more distance between them. The younger girl understood and made a move to walk away again but Lauren knew better. She grabbed the girl’s wrist causing the brunette to look at her once again. Camila furrowed her eyebrows and glanced down at her wrist. The soccer player then slipped her hands into the girl’s hands and intertwined them.

My Favorite Camren One-Shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now