I Need You Home *

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*Sexual Content*

From Wife:

Hey baby, how’s work?

Lauren looked down at her phone that buzzed on her desk. She picked it up and opened the chat to reply:

To Wife:

Boring, like always. How’s everything at home?

Almost immediately a response came in:

From Wife:

Lonely… Miss you Laur

Lauren saw what was happening here. Camila would only call her ‘Laur’ would she want something from her wife. But, before Lauren could reply another text came in:

From Wife:

Since you’re bored at work, and I’m all lonely here… In bed.. How about we have some fun?

Okay, Lauren was sure what was happening now. Her wife always has been very promiscuous, not that there’s anything wrong with that. The opposite. Lauren loved that side of her wife. But, when she’s at work? Really?

To Wife:

Are you trying to sext me right now?

From Wife:

You’re saying this isn’t turning you on? Not even a little bit?

To Wife:

Camz, I’m at work, sitting at my desk…

From Wife:

That’s perfect.

[image attached]

A red color took over Lauren’s face at the sight of her wife in the picture. She was wearing a thong, and nothing else. She was on her stomach, her butt somewhat lifted in the air and her two fingers in her mouth, a grin on her face.

To Wife:

Fuck Camila

To Wife:

Are you crazy? I’m supposed to be at a meeting in like half an hour. How am I going to focus now.

From Wife:

Or you come home and let me sit on your face…? That’s always an option ;)

Lauren cleared her throat and squirmed a little in her seat as she thought about all the times she let Camila do that.

To Wife:

This meeting is important, I can’t just go home.

To Wife:

Send me some more pics baby.

From Wife:

So, you’re hot and horny wife wants you home so you can fuck her, but you refuse. Yet… You expect me to send you more pictures?

To Wife:

Please, Camz? I’m sorry that I can’t just leave but I’ll make it up to you.

From Wife:

You can make it up to me by coming home and fucking me the way I deserve to be fucked.

Lauren groaned softly. The way her wife was talking right now was driving her crazy with lust, but she knew she couldn’t just leave work. She’s CEO. She’s important in every meeting. But to say she wasn’t tempted would be a lie.

Then, she realized that she was basically the one in charge here. Camila was all alone at home, horny and desperate. While she was at work. It was the perfect situation to tease her wife.

To Wife:

Don’t doubt my abilities baby girl. You know that I’ll fuck you so good you’d be coming all over my fingers and tongue. And as you push my head away because you can’t take anymore, I’ll just keep going and going until you scream.

Back at home Camila was sitting on her back on the king sided bed, whimpering as she read the text her wife had send. That’s exactly what she needs right now, but Lauren isn’t here to give it to her and it’s driving her up the wall.

Lauren looks at her phone again when she noticed a text back:

From Wife:

Do you promise Laur?

To Wife:

Of course beautiful. I love making you shake and moan, you know I do.

Lauren impatiently tapped her fingers against her desk, her foot bopping up and down restlessly as she waited for a response from her wife.   

Her heart skipped a beat before beating really fast when she saw, not a photo, but a video pop up as a reply. She could clearly make out her wife, on her back, this time the thong being gone too.

Well, fuck.

A video. That means it’s with sound. Her wife moaning and panting in the background and the slickly sounds of her fingers rubbing herself.


Contemplating whether to really watch this video at work, Lauren said ‘fuck it’, grabbed her earbuds and started the video.

It began out with Camila stroking herself, her boobs, down to her stomach. And the lower she went, the lower her phone went too. At one point, it was at bird eye’s view, her wife now rubbing and fucking herself with two fingers. The background sounds consisted of moans, panting and groaning out Lauren’s name in the sexiest ways.

To Wife:

Baby holy fuck.

Shit Camila. What are you doing to me?

I’m gonna fuck you so fucking hard when I come home you’ll feel it for days after. Fuck.

From Wife:

I really need that baby. I’ve been really bad and I need a good spanking Laur

To Wife:

Oh, I think you need more than just spanking. I’m going to bend you over and pull your hair, choke you and edge you. You’ll be begging me to let you come but I’ll just start all over again.

From Wife:

I fucking love being bad for you

Lauren grinned down at her phone but jumped when she heard a knock at the door of her office.

She cleared her throat and hoped her voice wouldn’t come out all squeaky. “Yeah, come in.”

Two seconds later the door opened, a man that she recognized to be Jesse, a man that work on the same floor as her, poked his head in.

“I’m just here to let you know that the meeting at five has been cancelled. Jason couldn’t make it here in time due to some family issues, or something. So we’re having it next week.”

All Lauren heard was 'meeting cancelled’.

“Oh,” she cleared her throat again. “Alright. Well, thanks for letting me know. I’m all finished up here, so I’m going to go home then.”

Jesse smiled, “Alright, then. I’ll see you next week!”

Lauren replied with the same before he closed the door again and walked off.

The grinned reappeared on Lauren’s face as she picked up the phone again and saw several texts from her wife:

From Wife:

I want to moan for you baby

I really fucking need you I’m going crazy with frustration. I need you inside of me so badly

I want your strong hands all over me

To Wife:

Guess what? Meeting got cancelled. You better be naked and ready for me when I get home.

My Favorite Camren One-Shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now