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From: 305-234-1234

Is this Camila?

To: 305-234-1234

Maybe. Who’s this?

From: 305-234-1234

We met at Normani’s place for Dinah’s birthday party. She’s your friend correct?

To: 305-234-1234

Yea, but who is this?

From: 305-234-1234

My name is Lauren. I hope this isn’t weird. I asked Normani for your number.

To: 305-234-1234

A little bit weird considering I don’t know you…

From: 305-234-1234

Maybe we can get to know each other?

Are you there?

You can tell me to fuck off.

To: 305-234-1234

Well it is 11pm…

From: 305-234-1234

Sorry I’ve been at work all day. Can I text you in the morning?

To: 305-234-1234


That’s how it started. My big fat secret relationship with Lauren Jauregui. It turned out Lauren is a huge multimillionaire CEO. I wish I was joking. As we began texting more, I did some research of my own, I learned she inherited her fathers business three years ago. She looks over a huge investing company and all the many businesses the Jauregui company has acquired as well. She’s quite the woman. Always donating to charities, throwing these huge events to reel in the rich folk. Her face is always in the papers or on some online blog about her latest investment or donation. I’m completely in awe with her.

Along with learning this new information, she practically begged me to keep our “relationship” or whatever this flirty texting is, on the down low. She said if people knew about it, knew about her being gay, she’d lose everything. I tried to assure her that wouldn’t happen, it’s 2023 for christ sake. That however, only led to more pleading to keep it a secret. I wasn’t even allowed to call her and personally talk over the phone. Though I did go through hurdles and secretly called her company. I had to lie about working for her and set an appointment. It was hard as hell to get a hold of that woman. Then once I did, she answered and I panicked, hanging up. My only connection to her now was through our friends Dinah, Normani and Ally. All of whom she rarely goes around since she’s always so busy.

I’ve known Dinah since elementary school and keeping secrets from her was always hard. She could read me like a book. Yet now that she’s in a relationship of her own, about to get married, she hasn’t noticed much about me lately. Her boyfriend is great though, but not as great as Mani. She met Normani in college where they both studied fashion. And now the pair, having become successful designers, share a fancy pent house downtown. They’re amazing at what they do and help keep myself in the latest fashion. Then that’s how Mani met Lauren. She tailors her clothes for her. They became good friends over the years. And Ally was their roommate in college who became really close to all of us.

I however went to a different college. Studying completely opposite of those 3. I went on to major in literature. Then ended up writing children’s books. I love it. The smiles on children’s faces is so rewarding. It’s exactly where I want to be right now.

Well not exactly…

To: L. Jauregui

I just want to know what it feels like to touch you.

My Favorite Camren One-Shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now