No Making Out in Supply Closets

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For Ally Hernandez, being principal of Miami High School was not an easy task. For one, there was over 2,000 kids occupying the one three floored building. That was a lot of hormonal teenagers for one woman to handle, but she managed. Principal Hernandez didn’t know most of the student’s names by looking at their faces in the hallway, the only few people she knew were the regulars.

The regulars stirred up trouble often, making them frequent flyers in Principal Hernandez’s office. They were what the rest of the faculty called, “hopeless cases.” Some of them came from bad families, or got in with the wrong crowd, some of them even just caused trouble just because they could. Most she was able to deal with, but others she was sure were just being difficult to strain Ally’s last nerves.

One of the most frequent of flyers was Lauren Jauregui. She didn’t even know where to begin on Lauren. Lauren had always been a problematic student, and it started off as a minor thing in her freshman year. She was very well known among her class, and being a troublemaker didn’t change how the fellow students felt about her in any way. Lauren started off with skipping class or talking back to her teacher, but that was far from being her worst offenses. By her junior year, Lauren had been suspended twice for bringing a pocket knife into school and another for being a part of the famous paint balling of the front half of the building. Both were only minor offenses since the knife she had claimed was forgotten in the bottom of her bag and she wasn’t actually one of the people who paint balled the school, she just helped in coordinating it. Rumors floated around now that Lauren was getting into marijuana, and Ally couldn’t do anything about it because Lauren hadn’t been caught on campus with it. Now that Lauren was a senior, Ally had to admit that she was almost going to miss having to see Lauren go. Lauren actually was accepted into college, art school as a matter of fact. Although she was the school’s troublemaker with her dark clothing and smart attitude, the pieces she produced in art class were outstanding. Even though she was thriving in art, Ally almost wished Lauren would excel herself like some of the students at the school. Students like Camila Cabello.

Camila Cabello was a year younger than Lauren, and Ally only knew her name because she was one of the top students in the school. When she was a freshman, half of the classes she took were with sophomores. Camila had never been to Principal Hernandez’s office for negative reasons, and Ally knew that would stay that way. Camila was a quiet girl from what Ally observed, her friend group not branching out farther than someone like Lauren. Camila was focused on her future and grades, seeing the social aspect as a lesser concern. She and Lauren were polar opposites, Camila dressed in white where Lauren dressed in black.

It was last period now, and Principal Hernandez had a meeting with some of the school board members on the other side of the school. Ally always found it tedious that the meeting room was on the other side of the school from where her office was. The hallway of the school was empty, since all the students were in their respective classrooms. Ally’s heels clicked against the shiny floor of the school as she made her way down the halls in her pant suit. The meeting started in five minutes, so time was of the essence.

She rounded a corner and peered into a few of the classrooms. Students sat in desks, watching teachers draw up things on the board or write down notes. Everything seemed to be going well at Miami High today, for once. Lauren hadn’t caused any trouble that week yet, but it was only Tuesday. As Ally continued to walk, she heard an abrupt sound from a door she passed by quickly.

It sounded like a grunt, and it caused Ally to stop dead in her tracks. Did the supply closet just talk? No it couldn’t be, she must’ve just heard something. Or someone inside was trying to reach something from the top shelf and had trouble. Just as she was about to continue walking, another noise came from inside the supply closet and it definitely wasn’t someone trying to get supplies from the taller shelves.

“Oh God, Lauren.”

Ally turned back around and looked at the closed door. She should’ve known that something was going on inside, and she was going to the get to the bottom of it. Approaching the supply closet door, there was a clearly audible groan as she opened the supply closet.

What she was greeted with surprised her greatly to say the least. The two people she would never expect to interact with were in the closet. Lauren Jauregui, of course she had to be one of them. Lauren was always sneaking around and pulling stunts like this, but the person she was lip locked with was definitely someone she never expected.

Camila Cabello was pressed against the wall of the supply closet, her arms wrapped around Lauren’s neck. Lauren was attacking Camila’s lips, one hand resting above Camila’s neck and the other hand on one side of Camila’s chest. They quickly realized they had been intruded, Camila seemingly being the first one to realize it.

She pushed Lauren off of her, who crashed into the supplies on the other side of the supply closet. Lauren reached out to balance herself on a shelf, as various packs of pencils and erasers fell on her.

“Ow!” she hissed, her head hitting the shelf.

“What on Earth is going on here?!” Ally asked angrily, pushing the glasses back up her face.

Camila’s eyes were wide and her mouth was wide open. She looked like a dear caught in a headlights, clearly not expecting to be caught at all. Lauren on the other hand didn’t looked bothered by the fact she had just been caught making out and feeling up one of the best students at Miami High in a supply closet.

“I told you to be quiet.” Lauren said casually.

“Oh my God! Principal Hernandez, I’m so sorry!” Camila began to apologize profusely. “I had no idea what-”

“Miss Cabello! You of all people!” Ally said furiously, motioning for them to step out of the closet.

Camila and Lauren both got out and Ally closed the door behind them. She was furious with both of them, but more at Lauren for somehow convincing Camila to skip her class to make out with her.

“And what class are you supposed to be in?” Ally asked.

“AP Spanish.” Camila said quietly.

Ally huffed and turned to Lauren, “And how did you manage to get her to skip class?” she asked.

“I have a way with words and art I’m told.” Lauren said slyly, smirking in Camila’s direction who looked at her feet and blushed profusely.

“Come on you two, we have two phone calls to make to your families.” Ally said, motioning for them to follow.

“Wait you can’t call my mom! Please they’ll kill me if they knew I was with Lauren and skipping class!” Camila said.

“Well you should’ve thought of that before you did it Miss Cabello.” Ally said. “Now come one.

Just when Principal Hernandez thought that the week might go easy, new and surprising things always seemed to keep the principal on her toes thanks to problematic Lauren Jauregui. Now how was she supposed to make that board meeting?

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