I Don't Know Shit About Constellations *

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*Sexual Content*

Camila remembers sitting in Lauren’s room when she was fourteen and Lauren was fifteen. They’d met when their parents ran into each other at the supermarket and they realized they were high school friends, immediately wanting to catch up. Lauren’s mother, Clara, invited Sinu’s family for dinner.

Lauren didn’t care. She didn’t care about a lot of things. Fifteen year old Lauren cared about softball, and drawing. She cared about singing and sometimes her friends. But, most of the time Lauren liked being left alone, especially from her siblings.

Camila remembers walking into the Jauregui household. The floors were slick marble and the walls were painted a dark orange color. Leather couches and paintings surrounded the room she walked into.

The house was magnificent, and also had a great energy. Many family pictures and Jauregui accomplishments were hung on the walls of the house. A crystal chandelier hung in the dining room.

Camila was amazed to say the least. She could tell whoever lived here was wealthy.

Her family was average. Her friend’s were average. Everything about her life was pretty average. Walking into such an expensive house shocked her a bit.

“Hello, Sinu. Nice to see you again. This is my husband, Mike.” Clara introduced him.

The two shook hands and exchanged a smile. “Nice to meet you. You two have such a beautiful home. This is my husband, Alejandro, and my daughter, Camila. My youngest daughter, Sofi is at home with the baby sitter,” He chuckled. “She’s only two.”

The couple smiled at the two other Cabello’s shaking their hands.

“Lauren, get out here.” Clara yelled.

“What, Mom?” Camila heard a voice yell.

Camila instantly felt nervous. Her mother had told her Clara had a daughter, but she was hoping she would be able to avoid her the whole night. Fourteen year old Camila hated meeting new people. She was always scared of how they would react towards her. She feared rejection.

Soon the daughter came out. Her hair was down and she had a bit of mascara on. Camila instantly envied her. She was gorgeous. The girl stared at her, which made her hands sweat.

“Lauren, these are the Cabello’s. This is Sinu, Alejandro, and Camila.” She gestured towards them. “Sinu and I went to highschool together.”

Lauren gave a smile towards them. “Nice to meet you.”

Her parents smiled down at her and Lauren’s mother rubbed her shoulder. “Why don’t you take Camila to your room while we catch up?” Clara said.

“Sure.” Lauren smiled again. “Come on.”

Camila bit her lip and Lauren took her hand. Suddenly she was being dragged up the stairs almost tripping over her own feet. Lauren looked back at her, “So your name is Camila?”

“Yeah.” She said back nervously.

Lauren laughed and tugged her into the room shutting the door behind them. Camila looked around the girl’s room. The room was pristinely cleaned and her room screamed modern. Everything in her room looked expensive, down to the MacBook that sat on her bed. This didn’t surprise her after the shock walking into the house.

Camila saw Lauren’s paintings in the corner of the room. She had an easel with numerous paints and paint brushes. She walked over to them carefully and just staring at the mix of colors on the canvas.

Lauren saw her staring at her paintings as she sat on her bed. Camila stared at the half finished painting for a good couple of minutes before she spoke up.

My Favorite Camren One-Shots (Part 2)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora