Rough Way *

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*Sexual Content*

Lauren G!P

The thing about having a steady girlfriend is that the sex… is more of a renewal of commitment more than something you end up doing for fun. Not that it isn’t fun, because sex is sex and for Lauren, sex is more enjoyable than playing video games or reading. Which is saying something because she loves doing those things as well. No. The point is, sex with Camila is great and all. She’s hot, her pussy is exquisite, and her moans always drive Lauren insane. Her tits are the perfect size that can fit in Lauren’s mouth, and when Camila comes… Lauren falls in love all over again.

Again, that’s not the point.

Lauren misses rough sex. She misses taking hold of a girl’s hair, yanking her up, and pounding her into the mattress, into the wall, or into the floor. One-night stands are great for that reason—no one looks for tenderness when it’s a one-time thing. But that isn’t Lauren anymore. She’s completely devoted to Camila, and she doesn’t even dare touch the idea of cheating. She may have been a player months ago, but she’s no cheater. There is a difference.

Lauren just needs to take Camila in any rough way.

She sighs and leaves her comic book on the bedside table. It’s just that lately, Lauren has taken to watching rough porn, and it prevents her from just taking Camila in any way she can get her. It’s not a long-term solution of course, but it helps, even for just a little while. And fighting the urge often leaves her exhausted, and it sucks.

Lauren is getting the urge again, and as she rolls over to view the sleeping form of her girlfriend, the need for rough sex dissipates a little bit. She kisses Camila’s exposed shoulder and curls her arm around her stomach to pull her in against her hardening cock. The simple smell of vanilla and Camila’s skin does unexplainable things to Lauren. She grinds and grips a handful of Camila’s tank top so she can slip her hand up and caress her soft skin. Lauren hears Camila’s breath hitch. She smirks and nuzzles her neck, cock pushing harder into Camila’s butt.

“Baby,” Lauren whispers into Camila’s neck as her palm cups the singer’s breasts. She squeezes her nipples until they stiffen. Lauren continues to rut against Camila, smirking when her neck cranes to plant a gentle kiss against Lauren’s cheek. “Oh good, you’re up.”

“And so are you.” Camila giggles and shimmies her ass against Lauren’s cock. She groans and grips her hip to stop her from moving. “You woke me up from my nap. You should take responsibility.”

Lauren lifts her brow and grins as Camila reaches back to wrap an arm around her neck. She nuzzles against Camila and sucks on a patch of skin, right behind her ear, smirking when the brunette shivers and bucks back against her straining cock. Under the covers, Lauren tugs her boxer briefs down and rubs the tip of her straining meat against the exposed skin of Camila’s back. “I’m willing to take responsibility… If you’d roll over on your stomach.”

Camila obeys and Lauren kicks off the blankets. She yanks Camila’s light grey booty shorts and her tank top off, leaving her sprawled and naked for Lauren. She groans and kisses Camila’s shoulder before licking along the dip in her spine. Lauren reaches Camila’s ass and she presses a tender kiss to each cheek before straddling the backs of her thighs.

They haven’t done it this way before. They always go with missionary, but the fact that Camila isn’t bucking her off reassures Lauren that maybe, this is okay.

Camila cranes her neck and juts out her bottom lip, and Lauren leans over to kiss her. The angle must be awkward for Camila, but with her cock pressed between her warm butt cheeks, she can’t help but rut into her until her dick is begging to be pushed inside Camila’s pussy.

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