Just Let Me Sleep

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“Breakfast’s on the counter,” Lauren called out from the living room with an amused smirk plastered on her face. Though, she quickly hid her smugness by bringing her cup of tea to her lips when her girlfriend entered the room, clearly annoyed from earlier that morning.

Camila resented mornings, Lauren never knew why exactly, but the conclusion stood stronger than a Nokia: Camila was not a morning person. Knowing this, Lauren would let the Latina sleep in until the afternoon…most times. Sometimes, however, Lauren enjoyed getting a kick out of her grumpy, morning girlfriend. It’s quite horrible, really, but Lauren liked to consider it the playful aspect of their relationship, but Camila called it bullshit because Lauren was just a little shit. Lauren agreed, although her reasoning gives her the upper hand to continue finding ways to make Camila’s mornings a lot more ‘creative.’

For this particular morning, Lauren decided to share her ear-banging reggae music on full-blast from the kitchen, subtly leaving their bedroom door open so her sleeping beauty could be blessed with some culture. After the fifth song, Lauren made it clear she wasn’t turning down the volume, in fact, she turned it up on a particular Bob Marley song and sang out on the top of her lungs; that was when she heard the restless groan from her girlfriend, signaling that the devil had awaken, and Hell was about to be raised.

“Good morning to you too,” Lauren chuckled after shamelessly checking out Camila in all her early morning glory. She was in nothing but Lauren’s oversized ‘The 1975’ T-shirt, her face bare of makeup, and hair tied up in a messy bun with a few long strands of hair cascading along her face – sure, Lauren would have to bear the grouchy attitude, but her current view made everything worth it.

Camila only responded with a middle finger, never once looking at Lauren while making her way to the bathroom. Yup, the grouchy attitude.

Ten minutes passed, Lauren already finished her drink, and Camila emerged from the bathroom. Lauren watched attentively as Camila walked past the kitchen, ignoring the masterpiece of a breakfast that she spent a good 30 minutes to prepare, and plopped herself backside down on the loveseat adjacent to the couch she was on.

Another five minutes ticked before Lauren decided to speak up. “The food’s getting cold –“

“Don’t talk to me.” Camila cut her off with that sickly adorable raspy, morning voice of hers. If it weren’t for the already-deep hole Lauren buried for herself this morning, she would have commented back, but she decided it was best to obey the life-saving command.

So Lauren got up from her spot and proceeded to join her girlfriend on the loveseat. Camila, for the first time since she woken up, eyed Lauren as she walked around the coffee table towards her. Before she could protest, Lauren laid on top of her, nearly squishing her into the cushions below and started kissing her cheeks repeatedly.

Ungh – what are you – Laure – ngh –“ Camila tried pushing her off but failed when her hands were pinned above her head. Then Lauren lowered her kisses onto her neck; Camila started to squirm from underneath her. Amongst the relentless kissing, Camila accidently shoved her knee into Lauren’s abdomen, earning a groan from the girl above. The moment allowed Camila to finally push Lauren off of her and onto the ground, which had the older girl yelp in response. There was a split second of genuine concern that hinted in the brown eyes, but it was soon replaced with a huff. “Good for you. That’s what you get for waking me up.”

“So you’re resorting to physical abuse now? Geez, Camz…” Lauren pouted and rubbed her numbing shoulder. Camila rolled her eyes and glued her eyes back to the TV.

Sitting on her knees, Lauren smiled down at her girlfriend with amusement. She rested her head beside Camila’s and wrapped one arm around her chest. Lauren let out a content sigh when she smelt vanilla.

My Favorite Camren One-Shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now