Little Girl

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A knock is heard through the Jauregui-Cabello household, and seventeen year old Elena is more nervous than ever. Her boyfriend Maverick, a year older than Elena, is meeting his girlfriend’s mothers for the first time. The green eyed teenager straightens out her dress for what seems like the millionth time, and as if on cue, her mother Camila comes in.

“Lena, you look beautiful! Maverick is in the living room, mija. You ready?” her mother speaks in a soft voice. Camila knows a little about her daughter’s boyfriend, considering how much Elena talks about him.

“As ready as I’ll-” she stops. “Wait mom, did you leave mama with Maverick? She’ll eat him alive!” Elena exclaims, growing more nervous. Lauren, Camila’s wife, has always been protective over her only daughter. She will do anything to keep Elena from getting hurt, especially from boys.

Meanwhile, downstairs Lauren gave Maverick a look up and down. She took a close look at ever detail from his dark hair styled up perfectly, to his black earrings, his chiseled jawline, blue eyes, lip piercing and nervous look on his boyish face, the bouquet of roses in his hand that he’s fiddling with, and grey sweater and dark jeans.

“So Maverick,” Lauren started in a low and intimidating tone “You’re the one who my daughter has been talking about nonstop.”

“Y-yes Mrs. Jauregui.” The eighteen year old stutters in his deep voice.

“Listen, Maverick. Don’t try anything with my girl. If you hurt Elena in anyway I won’t be afraid to-” Before her stern voice could finish her two girls walked down the stairs. Camila puts a hand on her shoulder, implying for her to stop.

“Maverick! I see you’ve met my mom.” Elena tried to sputter out. She stood up onto her toes and gave him a reassuring kiss on the cheek, causing Lauren to let a quiet growl, but loud enough for Elena to hear. She gave her mom a glare.

“T-these are for you.” the normally confident eighteen year sheepishly smiles and turns a shade of red as he hands her girlfriend the roses. Although he’s a flustered mess right now, Elena still finds him more than cute. She looks up at him and mouths a thank you. She grabs his slightly shaking hand.

“Hi Maverick! I’m Camila, Elena’s mom, and this grumpy one is Lauren.” the brunette said cheerily and gave the boy a hug and led them all to the house. The seventeen year old puts the bouquet in a vase with water. Lauren steals one more cold glare at Maverick, then goes to help her wife in the kitchen.

“You need to lay off the kid, babe.” the brown eyed woman whispers to Lauren and she teasingly bites down on her earlobe. “He doesn’t mean any harm.”

“You don’t know that.” Lauren argues grabbing plates and silverware for everyone. She wraps her arms around her wife from behind. The raven haired woman sighs and whispers “I just don’t wanna see our little girl get hurt.”

“She won’t. She’s growing up; she knows how to make good decisions.” Camila turns around to meet her chocolate brown eyes with a mesmerizing emerald. The two have known each other since they were fifteen and sixteen and Camila still gets lost in those eyes. The brunette calls their eleven year old son Connor down for dinner. The brown eyed boy comes down and greets the older boy. The five all sit at the set table- Elena next to Maverick, who politely pulled out the chair for his girlfriend to sit on, earning another cocked eyebrow from Lauren, Connor right next to the boy, Camila next to Lauren who was directly in front of the blue eyed senior.

As they eat Lauren’s home cooked meal, Camila asks Maverick to tell about himself, and he tells Elena’s mothers that he will be attending FU for college, majoring in art. He also has a younger sister, plays baseball and maintains a 4.0 GPA. Although she doesn’t show it, Lauren is impressed at the teenager. She didn’t know she had so much in common with Maverick; even Connor took interests in the same things he did. By only his looks she thought he’d be bad news. She stays silent with a small cold stare on her face, making the dark haired boy grow more anxious.

My Favorite Camren One-Shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now