I'm Not Jealous, I Just Love You

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“Oh, really, Lauren?” Camila huffed, jealousy cursing through her body. “You guys ‘just hung out’?”

“Camilaaa,” Lauren whined from her position on the couch. She was slightly buzzed from the beers she had been drinking at her friend’s house half an hour ago. And, when she had gotten home, she had an angry girlfriend to deal with. “Why do you always make such a fuss out of Keana and I hanging out? We’re just friends, she’s straight, and you know damn well,” she stopped talking and got up from her spot on the sofa, walking over to her girlfriend of three years, “that I only have eyes for you.”

When Camila looked down and didn’t respond, Lauren put her index finger under her chin to lift it up. “Look at me, baby girl,” she ordered softly, her voice nothing above a soothing whipser. “I love you,” she sincerely said, leaning in slowly.

When her lips were about to meet Camila’s she stopped herself, to cup her girlfriend’s cheeks and run the path of her thumb over her plump bottom lip while wetting her own.

She leaned in again, brushing her lips over the ones so close in front of her but not kissing them yet. Lauren shook her head slowly, sliding her lips over Camila’s, teasing her as her eyes were looking deeply into brown ones.

She leaned in even further, if possible, and enclosed Camila’s plump bottom lip —

“No.” Camila pushed Lauren away by her chest, taking a step back. “No. You know what, Lauren? I’m mad at you,” she continued. “I’m really mad at you and you’re not going to get away with it this time. Not with a kiss or cuddles or whatever methods you use. Nothing.”

Lauren raied her eyebrows, “Nothing?”

“Yeah,” Camila breathed, swallowing as she saw her girlfriend strutting forward again. “Nothing.”

Lauren didn’t respond, instead choosing to walk up to the slightly less taller girl again and gripping her waist. When Camila didn’t buldge, she roughly pulled her forward, into her own body, making the brunette gasp.

“Nothing, huh…” Lauren trailed off, giving Camila colarbone a wet kiss. Then the other one, and then moving upwards.

Shit. This is going to be hard.

“N-nothing…” Camila sighed.

“Hmm,” the green-eyed girl hummed, putting her hand on the small of her girl’s back and pulling her into her more as she deeply inhaled the scent on Camila’s neck.


She remained kissing the skin innocently, moving higher up and taking Camila’s earlobe in between her teeth. “Nothing…?” She rasped, knowing how her husky and raspy voice drove Camila crazy.

“Lauren,” Camila called weakly, pushing her away again, and walking off to the kitchen.

“Camz,” Lauren whined again, following her. “What even are you mad about? We hung out, drunk some beers and I went home. That’s all that it always is.”

Camila didn’t respond, opting to make a sandwich for herself. She grabbed the ingredients to do so and began to angrily cut a tomato in two.

“Whoa, easy there,” Lauren chuckled. “What has that tomato ever done to you?”

Camila ignored her again.

“Baby,” Lauren sighed. “Talk to me. Tell me what I did wrong, so I know. Don’t block me out.”

“You know, it’s not that I don’t trust you.” Camila released a shaky exhale. “It’s just…” She put the knife down. “I want you around me more. I come home from work and you’re out again having a couple of beers with Keana. Why not with me?”

“You don’t even like beer,” Lauren snorted.

“Seriously, Lauren?!” Camila spat. “That’s not the fucking point! I want to spend more time with you, but it seems like you’re always too busy doing something with someone else. Why not with me?” Camila’s voice cracked due to her sadness.

“Aren’t you interested in me anymore?” She asked, biting her lip to cover up its trembling.

“What?! No, no baby — No.” Lauren huffed, “You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. You’re smart, and adorable, and funny, and, God, I’m so fucking lucky to be yours,” she spoke truthfully. “You spark my interest, and everything beyond that,” she continued. “I fall in love with you every single day, over and over again. I wouldn’t want it any way else.”

Camila nodded, stepping forward and hiding her face in Lauren’s neck as she hugged her. Lauren right away wrapped her arms around her girl, pulling her in closer and kissing the top of her head, smelling her vanilla and coconut shampoo.

“M'love you,” Camila mumbled affectionately, her words muffled by the taller girl’s sweater.

“Love you too, baby girl.”


After watching a couple episode of Law And Order: SVU, Lauren’s eyes started to close. Camila started to notice when, out the corner of her eye she saw her girlfriend’s chin going down, down, down, until it almost hit her chest, but pulling her head up quickly again and blinking rapidly.

The brown-eyed girl checked the time. 0:34 AM. Was it that late already?

“Baby.” she nudged Lauren. She chuckled as she sees the sleepy girl opening her eyes, mumbling a groggy, “Yeah?” before closing her eyes again.

“Let’s get you upstairs, sleepyhead.”

Lauren hummed but made no move to actually go upstairs, so Camila picked her from the couch, and with a little effort got her up the stairs and into their bedroom. She plopped Lauren down on the bed, wanting to walk to the bathroom to get her usual before-bed routine done. When she came back into the room, she noticed that her girlfriend had changed into an old shirt and got rid of her pants, already sleeping. In Camila’s spot.


You see, most couples would probably don’t really care about who sleeps left and who sleeps right, but to Camila, the left side was her spot. She always wanted to sleep at the window side so that in the mornings the lights peaking through the window would hit her girlfriend’s face just the right way. She had to sleep in that spot because her nightstand was next to it with all of her favorite books in it. She just had to sleep in that spot.

“Laur…” She mumbled, nudging the sleeping girl softly. She stirred a little in her slumber but that was it. Camila nudged her harder, and Lauren groaned.

“Hmm… What?”

“You’re in my spot.”

“Ugh.” Lauren opened her eyes a tiny bit, seeing her girlfriend on her knees on top of the bed. In a swift movement she pulled Camila forward, letting her fall on top of herself as the brunette let out an ‘oof’ sound.

“Our spot,” Lauren corrected her. “Now come cuddle me.”

Camila got comfortable, now lying on her girlfriend and cuddling her with one leg pulled up a little and her face in the green-eyed girl’s neck. Lauren’s hands were switching from playing with brown locks to stroking her back.

“M'night,” Camila yawned. “Love you, my cuddle bug.”

Lauren chuckled softly, “Good night, my girl, I love you too.”

My Favorite Camren One-Shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now