Open My Door (1/3)

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Lauren Jauregui was known as the bad girl, the heartbreaker, the jerk, and the one that everyone wanted. She walked the halls of her high school with dark pants and a leather jacket that hugged her torso. She had dark hair that always flowed freely and seem to bring out her electric green eyes. Her appearance matched her personality. She didn’t care for anyone. She had a cold heart and toyed with anyone’s who were foolish enough to give it to her.

But the thing was she wasn’t always like this.

“Hey Lauren!”

“Lauren you never called me back.”

“Lauren, I love you!”

“You are such a bitch! How can you sleep with me and her!”


The green-eyed girl walked down the hall ignoring every single comment that had been bombarded at her. She stuffed her hands in her pockets and looked straightforward. She finally made it to her locker and sighed in relief.

“Jauregui!” A booming voice called off. Lauren groaned and pushed her head in her locker to avoid confrontation.

“Relax, Lo. It’s just us.” A softer voice reassured. The dark-haired girl pulled her head out of her locker and peeked out. She faced her three best friends, a Polynesian girl, a short Latina, and a dark skinned girl.

“Hi, Laurenza.” The dark skinned girl smirked.

“Normani, Ally, Dinah.” Lauren greeted. “To what pleasure do I owe thee?”

She swung her locker open to examine the contents. She was trying to find a binder that looked like she had lost. As she fumbled the books in her locker she heard a small chorus of snickers coming from behind. She turned and raised an eyebrow at her friends.

“Well, well, well. What is this?” Dinah teased as she grabbed a small read book from Lauren’s locker. Lauren’s eyes widen as she saw the book. “Love & Misadventures.”

“Is this what I think it is, Ally?” Normani joked.

“I think it is what you think it is, Manibear.” Ally giggled. “It’s love poems.”

Lauren snatched the book from Dinah and threw in her locker before slamming it shut, a tint of pink visible on her face.

“It’s not mine.” She grumbled. The trio just laughed and agreed with their friend. She sighed in defeat, walking away with her head bowed down as her three friends trailed behind her.

“Oh Lauren. Those poetry books will really mess up your bad girl reputation.” Dinah jeered catching up with Lauren’s pace. The Polynesian smirked at the green-eyed girl.

“Whatever.” Lauren mumbled as she picked up her pace. Normani jogged next to Lauren and rested her arm on the girl’s shoulders.

“Lo, is there something you need to tell us? Like let say you are a hopeless romantic?” The dark skinned girl teased. The green-eyed girl abruptly stopped her tracks and pried Normani’s shoulders off her. She glared at her best friend.

“No!” Lauren barked. Normani raised her hand up in surrender and took a step back. She watched the green-eyed girl storm off to who knows where while Ally and Dinah chuckled from behind.

They all knew who Lauren really was. They have been friends for a long time, long enough to see Lauren’s transformation and why. None of the three contested with the taller Latina’s sudden change but it would be a lie if they said they were not worried about her. They loved Lauren when she wore light jeans and colorful, bright tops and even now where she wears dark jeans and leather jackets like it’s her religion.

My Favorite Camren One-Shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now