Maybe I Should Spill Paint More Often

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Of course I wasn’t mad, but she’s so cute when she’s mad. Camila had spilled very little pink paint on my watercolor painting for my college art class, which was a view of the lilac sky from a big window in our apartment. She thinks she’s ruined it and I contributed to her thoughts when I acted like I was angry by getting up without a word, but what she doesn’t know is that it actually blended in very well and made it even better than before.

I was going to see how long I can fake being upset because I know what happens when I get upset; she doesn’t leave me alone until I smile. Camila is very affectionate and touchy, with the touch of her small hands she can show you a love that most people are too blind to see. Her touches are like soft feathers caressing your skin. Her arms are like warm blankets wrapping you up on a cold rainy day and you’re just too comfortable to move. And her kisses, god her kisses, well they’re only mine so I can’t describe them to you (not that I can because they’re indescribable).

I looked at her and she’s got a pouty face on. This is gonna be harder than I thought. I think to myself as I start to clean up the mess of paints. “Lauren, I’m sorry.” She said to me while grabbing my hand. “It’s fine. No big deal.” I said as cold as I possibly could without hurting her too much. I leave the living room and head into the kitchen of our small apartment. I start to wash my brushes trying so hard not to go over to her and tell her I was just playing around, but I felt small arms around my waist and kisses on my neck. “Lo, I know you’re not mad, you wouldn’t have looked at me if you were,” she said against the nape of my neck. “Plus, you’re not pushing me away right now.”

And with that I pushed her away just to have her laugh and follow me back to my little painting area to put my washed utensils away. I bend down to put my paints into the lower drawer and when I get back up I feel her petite body crushing me with one of her infamous koala hugs. “I’m seriously not letting you go until I see my favorite smile.” She says laughing, very aware that I love her koala hugs.

I walked all around the house doing literally everything. I cleaned the kitchen with her on me while she just kept asking me if I was “done being mad” at her, I never answered her though. She clung on to me at every moment possible, the only time I got her off was to shower and go to the bathroom. It wasn’t that hard having her on me, considering she doesn’t weigh that much. Secretly, I loved having her attached to me.

Although it all ended when I was laying on my stomach on the couch reading with Camila still attached to my back. She’s playing with my hair and gently rubbing my face, when she kisses my check, then my jaw, then my lips and I completely ignore her. “You know what? Fine! Continue to ignore me all fucking night!” She screams, gets off me and slams our bedroom door. Now you’ve done it, way to go Jauregui. Fuck, I shouldn’t have done any of this. I head over to the door and try to open it, but of course it’s locked. “Babe. Camz, I’m sorry. I was just trying to see how long I could last pretending to be mad at you.” I hear quiet sobs until she speaks, “Oh so that was just for entertainment? Well, I hope you’re entertained!” Well this is a fantastic thing you’ve done to your girlfriend Jauregui, fantastic. “Babe, I’m sorry! Please open up.” Nothing but pure silence. Shit what do I do?

And just as if I was in a cartoon, a lightbulb popped up in my head.

I had left her in there for a while as I got myself ready. I grabbed the only thing that could help me and made my way back to the locked door. “Camz? I really am sorry, I hope you can forgive me.”

I leaned my back on the door, strummed the guitar and started to sing.

Did I drive you away?
I know what you’ll say,
You say, “Oh, sing one we know”,
But I promise you this,
I’ll always look out for you,
That’s what I’ll do.

I say “oh,”
I say “oh.”

My heart is yours,
It’s you that I hold on to,
That’s what I do,
And I know I was wrong,
But I won’t let you down,
(Oh yeah, yeah, yes I will)

I say “oh”,
I cry “oh”.

And I saw sparks,
Yeah I saw sparks,
And I saw sparks,
Yeah I saw sparks,
Sing it out.

La, la, la, la, oh
La, la, la, la, oh
La, la, la, la, oh

I knew this song by heart, it was my song to Camila. The entire thing was my promise to her and it’s one of my purest ways to pour my soul, heart and love out to her. And I knew how much she loved my voice, even if I was so insecure about it, she always made me feel like it was the best one she’s ever heard.

When I was done I just leaned my head back to the door and whispered, “I’m sorry love.” Then I just felt my head hit the floor because she had opened the door. “You should be.” She said while looking down at me with tears in her eyes. She was on her knees her head hovering over mine, eyes red and puffy, but she was so beautiful. “You’re so beautiful, you didn’t deserve any of that, and you should kick my ass.” She kissed me just like that and we both smiled into it. Then I feel like someone had just thrown a baseball into my stomach and it takes my breath out. “Since I can’t actually kick your ass, a blow to your stomach will do.” She says while smirking. “F-f-fair en-enough.” I manage to puff out.

When we get into bed, she kisses my stomach and tries to apologize, but I tell her that I deserved it. “By the way, you didn’t ruin my painting, you only made it better than before. So, thank you for that.” She giggles and I can’t help but stare at her. She catches me and kisses me, “Go to sleep loser, maybe I should spill paint more often, if it means you singing to me like that …” she says and turns her back to me while pretending to be asleep. “Okay, but as long as you cling on to me all day.” I say while wrapping her in my arms and we both fall asleep.

My Favorite Camren One-Shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now