Hidden in Wolf Sight

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Camila’s POV

Another day another boring trip to work. I need to find a way to mix it up a little, I mean I walk past a beautiful lake with some of the most gorgeous woodlands I have ever seen and yet I never stop to smell the roses. Not that I could if I even wanted to, I think being stuck in that coffee shop all day has done something to my sinuses; every time I walk out of there it’s like I can smell everything at once and yet nothing at all. Maybe I should quit and find a new job? That’s real funny Camila.

I’ve been working the same job for almost five years now and for three of those years I’ve been alone, like literally alone. My parents are divorced so my dad thought the best thing to do was drop off of the face of the universe and my mum died when she was away on business, they aren’t exactly sure how it happened but they’re pretty certain it involved a big animal like a mountain lion or something.

I always figured I would be the one to die in the most obscure way, like falling down a flight of stairs and being fine and then accidentally lighting myself on fire. Before her last trip my mother left behind this pendant, it was made of silver and was shaped like a heart with a small red stone in one corner. She told me to put it on and never take it off again unless I wanted to ruin my entire life so naturally I’ve never taken it off to this day.

What? My mum was pretty serious about that stuff. She was never the one for jokes so if she says not to do something then you can sure as hell bet that I won’t do it. And I mean sure I’ve been curious from time to time but whenever I go to undo it I get this really bad feeling and convince myself it’s a bad idea. Anyway, it’s pretty so why would I want to take it off?

‘Morning Camila’

‘Hi Mani’ I greeted my co-worker slash best-friend, Normani has been working here about three weeks longer than I have but she likes to pretend that she’s my superior. I don’t really mind though, it’s a running joke that just keeps on running and I happen to be allergic to any kind of change so we’ll let it slide. Besides I love her like a sister, and sisters pull all kinds of weird shit so I figure she’s just fulfilling her role the best of her ability.

‘Have you had any visitors today, you know the glowing green eyes and black fur kind?’

Oh yeah I’m also kind of being stalked. Well I use that term lightly because it’s more like I’m being followed, and not by a person, oh no by a wolf. At least I think it’s a Wolf, I mean it’s too big to be a dog and I don’t know any dogs that have piercing green eyes. It shows up from time to time like it’s checking up on me but always stays at a distance before wandering off again and disappearing for days. Now, I can tolerate a lot so one attentive wolf isn’t really a problem, but I’ve been told it isn’t exactly safe or normal to have a wild animal following you around.

‘Not today, but it’s still early. Speaking of early, has Dinah been in yet?’ I smirked. Dinah is a tall, blonde haired brown eyed girl who comes in here at the same time every week and flirts with Normani. But unfortunately my best friend is clueless and doesn’t realize when she’s being hit on, so she insists that’s not the case.

‘Those two things literally have nothing to do with each other!’ she argued.

‘You’re avoiding the question’ I sang.

‘No she hasn’t’ she replied.

‘Weird, she usually walks in around now’ Just then there was a ding at the door and as if by fate itself in walks Dinah Jane and just by looking at her I can tell she’s got plenty of new material today. ‘Speak of the devil, go get your girl’

‘She’s not my girl!’ she quietly objected before stroking at her apron and cautiously approaching her future wife.

‘You know Normani, of all your beautiful curves your smile is my favourite’ she winked and lent on the counter with her elbow while her chin rested in her hand.

My Favorite Camren One-Shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now