Chapter 29: Whole to Broken

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It was as though Jane's body had strings attached to it.

She rolled on her side to spit out the mouth full of blood. The creature took a few steps back as Jane stood up with unsteady feet.

"Could have sworn droids did a better job than that. Do you actually have a brain in that mess you have?" Her hand shot up as quick as lightning. "Because if you did you'd know what not to do." Her fingers dug into its jugular as the thing whines to get away.

Just as it happened her grip released as the creature stumbles back before getting its footing. She looked towards the crowed of people and their terrified expression.

"I'm sorry." She whispered as she could see it stumble to the ground. Jane said it so no one could hear it. She cradled it's head between two glowing hands. "I'll grant you mercy from this life of destruction." The creature went limp, there was no breathing, just small amounts of blood and stillness.

Jane carefully rested its head on the floor. Small claps turned into the entire group rooting.

It made her sick.

She stood up, raised a hand, and silenced the crowed momentarily. "Right now Phantom won't be planning another attack, if we reschedule they well. Our safest option is to enjoy the rest of the night however you see fit. If you wish to leave, by all means go ahead. No one will judge you for doing so."

A hand was placed on her shoulder, it belonged to Scott. "If you chose to stay we will make it worth your while. Sit down, have a drink and we will explain everything that happened tonight and formally introduce our newest recruit"

His smile was too wide.

It was fake.

Something just for appearances.

"I need to clean up some, where's the restroom?" She whispered as he pointed in a direction.

"Might want to get yourself checked out. You did just literally crack the ground."

"I'm fine, really. It looks worse than it is. C-can you make sure to get the blood properly disposed. Don't um... burn the body, it'll release toxins." Her hand shook as it covered her mouth.

"Take a breath, come back, and its all gone. Ok? Step out, reset, and if you need to leave you can do that. Your health matters, that includes your mind, don't forget that."

"Thanks." She slipped off from the crowd.

Jane felt awful, luckily there was a private bathroom that had a lock. She pressed the button on the door handle to lock it before sliding down to the floor. Peeling away some clothing to reveal the purple and red mess of coloration. Placing a hand on top of her injured side it slowly started to heal it just enough to last the night. After that she'd have to spend at least a couple of days. Internal and especially rib damage took longer since the damage was more than just a fracture or a deep cut but included what usually would have been irreversible damage. It still hurt, everything did but she had to show off for them.

Ironic, she still needed to hide just with different people.

Second time in a month, couldn't make it a habit breaking things near her lungs because it was too close to her heart.

Her throat felt itchy, giving off a few coughs she could see the blood spatter on her had still.

All she needed was get it into motion, not see the last pawn fall. There would always be followers that struggled to survive once the head fell. However; once the strong fell the weak would be vulnerable to the justice system. Perhaps after all this ended she could be a police officer if she survived.

Stumbling up she hurled into the sink, coughing and vomiting continued till all that was in the sink was a bit of bile and blood. There wasn't any chances of half digested food or acid that burned the sink, just a dark substance and the smell of metal in her mouth. Yet, after she felt better. Probably just nerves and getting rid of the excess blood from the bleeding. One final wet cough before she looked at herself in the mirror.

Jane looked like the embodiment of what high school was: tired, miserable, pale, sick, and all things half dead, even the ghost like power to "walk" through walls. All she had to do was die but that would be easy, living is harder.

That's why she got up.

That's why she cleaned her suit and straightened everything before touching the handle.

That's why she went out just as Moon had his fist to the door.

"Hey." He looked nervous, who could blame him? You had a fist held in the air.

"Hey." Jane looked at him with worry.

"I came to see if you needed something, it's been a while since you went in. We're headed to the next room over to discuss with the people who wanted to stay."

"How many are here now?"

"100 at most." Moon turned like a door as they started walking down the hall. "Sure you're ok? Look a bit dead."

"Yea, just need to get this over with."

As the approached the small crowed through the hallway they could hear the beginnings of clapping.

Jane glared at Moon. "Hey, I didn't do anything so don't look at me."

She sighed and muttered. "I'm going to kill you one day for this."

He smiled cutely, like an innocent. "Im the one who gets to cut the Dutches head off."

"Only if I get Blood King."

Shadow's Dance (old)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora