Chapter 26: Guns to Smiles

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Jane had sweat beaded on her forehead as she let out a painful cry. Her back felt inflamed with fresh wounds from their latest test to better control the disobedient girl. Sagging her head down with swollen black eyes.

"Now..." She could here the scrapping of fingernails against the wall that barely made her flinch. The powdered face looked into her tired eyes and dug her nails into her bottom jaw to lift her head. "Do you feel like making all of this go away 382?" Her voice was sweet like honey but at the same time dug at her ears. "We don't have to do this but you continue resisting." The woman's silver hair and green eyes made her nose crinkle. "All you have to do is behave."

Jane spat on her cheek. "Tell that to all you killed."

She took a pure white handkerchief and wiped it away. "That wasn't very nice of you, do you have something else to say to your owner?"

Jane snarled. "You aren't my owner."

"Hmph, Perhaps another hour will do you some good." She scoffed.

"Ms.Wilford." Beckons a guard

Wilford releases her grip on Jane. "I'll come back." She hissed before being lead out of the room.
Jane's head popped up as she woke up in her bedroom. Getting up she hung her legs off the side of the bed. It happened every night since her first A.M.O.N.G. simulation. More and more moments poured themselves into her brain like glowing iron. She rubbed her eyes once she looked at the time.

2:47 AM

Her hands rubbed through her hair as she got up. Picking that day's clothes she made her way to the bathroom to take a hot shower. She liked how it felt hitting her face, awaking her senses from its slumber, and the cool breeze that she felt when she came out dressed in her clothes.

Going back to her room she sat at her desk. Her pointer finger turned the computer on and the screen lit up. Clicking through to get the prototype model that she had been working on for the past week. It was a consent that she started to wonder about while in Iwix's place, among other thing, it was gloves designed to increase her amount of output and absorption rate. However, there was still a slim chance that she'd be able to open a single portal even then. Phantom had caused damage to the energy flow with in her, like scars on lungs, it meant that she couldn't take in nor expel like she had before. Adding to that each big surge of power could mean overloading the delicate circuits. She needed something to tell her limit, problem was she had no clue what that was.

That's what the glove would do for her as well. Not only would it allow for a greater range of skill and power but it would also protect her body from harming itself in the present and future. The tricky part is making it work.

Her fingers stroked the slightly curved keys as her mouse clicked and scurried on the pad.

Rewrite, review, rehypothesize.

Notes scribbled down on post-it's and notebook paper scattered themselves on the wall behind the computer. Suddenly a knock came at the door, her eyes darted to the bottom right corner that held the time.


Swiftly moving right behind where the door opened Jane was silent as it squeaks open.

"Jane?" Said the voice of Mae as she stepped in her room.

Jane crept behind her carful not to alert her presence. She gripped Mae's shoulder and made her jump from surprise.

"Need something?" Jane could feel the tension that Mae still had.

"We were wondering if you'd like to join us for a small gathering tomorrow ." Her voice was unsteady.

Jane glanced at her computer. "I don't really have the proper attire nor do I want the public to see me just yet."

"It's just an event to show off, I'm sure you could do something or just be another set of eyes." Mae had relaxed a bit.

"I'll think about it." Jane sat back at her computer and resumed hacking away at her personal invention. "How many people? TV Broadcasters? What is it about?"

"Probably only a 100, parts of it will be broadcast to news stations but not inside."

"Government officials?"

"That and it ensures that they don't attack us."

"You want to prove to them that I'm not dangerous so they won't attack you." Jane huffed as she sat down. "Fine, but you have to tell me what to wear. Suit, casual, or formal?"

"Suit, we'll do it to. I want you to be the first in the car, no skipping this."

"What about Moon?"

"Introducing two people who had been in Phantom and with similar powers would cause suspicion. Considering how he follows your orders then it'll be you and only you who's added officially."

"Couldn't he do something like be a bodyguard or something?"

"Why is it so important to have him there? Is it because both of you are stronger together?"

"No, but I want him to have my back unlike a few." Jane glared out of the corner of her eyes as she continued. "Bodyguard, Moon, or you'll have to go without me."

"You're not in any position to argue over this. We don't need to let you have any freedom."

"Considering that you knew next to nothing of Phantom I am. You also don't know what Phantom and the Mages plan, how they operate, nor the size of their military. " Jane growled. " I'm not handing you the gun so you may pull the trigger on me."

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