Chapter 9: Black

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Her hand became a spear pointed at his neck as the crowed shouted his name.




"Now do you know?" Her eyes were different colors, blue and black.

"I know what you are..." Gar said too surprised. "A dog who follows orders." His words threatened to break Jane's restraint towards him.

Dropping her pointed hand from his neck Jane turned like a top to kick the side of head but only enough to throw him off balance.

"This is what you all should be able to do, pay attention!" She announced as though it was a simple demonstration. "From now on I will not use any powers." Both eyes turned silver.

Gar charged at her with small explosions propelling him forward. The circle expanded greatly. Jane stood still but just as he was about two arm lengths from her she moved. Straightening her arm out she flipped him to the ground with the other hand as Gar revolved around her arm. A loud thump and she placed her foot on his neck.

"Now, I will ask you again. Do you know who I am?" Jane said passive aggressively.

"Your a real Ace aren't you? Not some show off but a real killer."

Jane stepped off his neck and helped him up. "I just know what I'm doing. I know what is needed when."

Murmurs grew.

"No. I will not be staying but I will be joining one mission and would love to not be shot. So I might as well do this now."

There were wide eyes that were glued on her as Gar weaved his way through the crowd. Arlo, the other guy, was no longer on the floor. Most likely he was in the med bay by now. Now Jane stood there with eyes glancing at people around the room.

"Rule one, you follow my orders and mine alone. Rule two, you complete the objective unless I say otherwise. Rule three, if you get caught no one is coming back for you. Rule four, you don't make a job personal. Rule five, we aren't savages or crackheads so act like professionals." She circled the group like a hungry wolf. "We train until we get a mission and only the night before do you get to sleep. Is there any disagreements?"

Mumbled answers came out.

"Yea!" Said someone in the middle of the crowd. "Just cuz you beat two guys don't mean you can take all of us on!"

"Step forward then." Jane said calmly as the mass parted to let a buff guy through. "What's your name?"

"My friends call me Boris." He said cracking his knuckles.

"Let's see how much of a fight you really have and this time..." she swung a left hook into his gut. "I won't play fair." The black substance shot out of Boris' back in a pencil tip formation going through his gut out of the base of his skull.

Blood dripped from his mouth and his teeth were covered in a crimson substance. His face went white as she pulled it out. Dead before he hit the ground.

"Anyone else have a problem?" She said kindly as she stood in a pool of blood.

Grim and shocked looks were focused on the fresh body. Just then Nick stormed in.


"It's a dead body." Jane said it like it was an everyday occurrence.


"He wasn't obedient. You need obedience."Jane defended her actions

"We're already short!!"He groaned. "Don't kill anyone else please." Nick rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Just, play nice with them. No more terrorizing."

"Ok, message received all mighty king..." she mumbled the last part before leaving the training room as the other people were still frozen.

She never stayed in one place for very long after she had gotten powers. Normalcies were alienated from her life. The only routine was at Phantom's shitty lab.

Wake up.
Get dragged to testing area.
Dragged back.
Back in room.

Endurance was the only thing she knew, killing was second nature, and analysis was elementary. It wasn't until then did it strike her.

She killed. Not because someone ordered her to. Not because they did something bad. It was because they were in her way, an obstacle.

She was a weapon.

No one held the trigger yet shots kept firing.

Her face felt flush and her lungs were tight. The long grey walls felt slimmer than before. She just needed a run or something. Yea, that sounded good right? But with every step Jane felt sicker as the fever spread. Leaning against the wall blind spots came into her vision. She slid down to the floor exhausted. Lucky no one was around to see it, bad news was there wasn't anyone to help her. All the energy from her was sucked dry.

"I need some help over here!"Shouted some stranger as the rushed towards her.

Instinctively Jane scooted away and tried firing an attack. Obviously, only a fizzling blue came out. Her heart raced as her mind kept panicking from her vision slowly turning black. A hand placed on her shoulder freaked her out more. Finally, her powers fired just as she was about to black out, Jane got sucked into her portal.

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