Chapter 5: Polar

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She could hear the scraping of her sling against the asphalt. Slamming into something hard Jane spat out blood.

Rolling onto her side she took in slow and painful breaths. "Figured it was you Nick who found out that I was finally free from Phantom."

She got up, stronger, more intimidating, and with an ice cold stare as she looked into his sky blue eyes. "Your lucky I don't want to return covered in blood, considering the civilians in this area, we don't need that rap."

"Awww, what's wrong my little sheep?" The white masked man cooed.

He was in a black trench coat and highlights of blue hair stuck out of his jet black hair. The rounded mask had slits in it to reveal his eyes.

"Afraid that my mark will control you?" He laughed wildly like a hyena before stopping abruptly. " Then lets make a deal. It'll save us both some time, after all it's one of the few things you can't get back just like a life."

Jane's eyes turned blue, craving to smash him into the ground she growled. "Don't act so high and mighty, your the one that killed them."

She could see the ground and the side of boil dig a get coated in a thin layer of ice. His breath came out in puffs of white as Nick's body adjusted to the sudden cold air. Jane's adjustment seemed instantaneous compared to his. Their gaze met each other as the jet raced over them.

Her arm got coated in black as she crouched down to touch the ice covered asphalt. "Cecil, Zibo!"

"How cute, you gave your mutts names..." He chuckles. "Your also not fooling anyone with that scarf around your neck either."

Two creatures had formed, similar in shape they had thin back legs with massive front legs and paws. One had a single blue eye and the other had a red eye. Both had dagger like teeth, flexible tails, and long horns. Growling at the man they circled him as though he was their prey.

Both of them stood silently as the padding of feet could be heard. The two creature circled the man once more before returning to Mockingbird. Crome and Scarlet's faces could be seen by now rushing towards them.

"Get back!" Mockingbird snapped at them.

"Jane..." Scarlet trailed off just as she started questioning who the man in the trench coat was in her head.

Crome stopped further back than Scarlet, both of them were worried. The two black creature ran to protect them, snarling at the man she called Nick, the eye on both of them glowed.

"I see you've trained them well." He sneered to change the directon on the comment from the creatures to her friends. "I'm guessing that they don't know what really happened, do they?"

She could see the confusion and pain in her friends eyes as her silence spoke volumes. Mockingbird could smell the mutual fear between all. The tension was shared between those who knew each other. Her one eye not covered in black had tears streaming down a cheek.

"Return." She commanded at her creations and immediately disappeared.

Her eyes told a story of shame.

"Still have that emotional attachment, it's always been your weakness little sheep." He prodded his voice into her head.

Like a flame to gasoline Mockingbird lunges at the man with her body consumed by both the blue and the black. A blue semi sphere surrounded her and him as she felt attack after attack.

Using his ice Zack blocked as many hits as he could."YOU are the one who told Phantom! YOU are the one who uses people ! YOU are the one who forgot about me! YOU KILLED THE ONES I CARED ABOUT!"

Zack tripped to land on the hard ground. "They were weak. They didn't deserve your protection. I can make this all go away just come back to me."

Crime and Scarlet were banging on the barrier as Jane moved in closer.

"I will never be the next Blood King, this power is mine, not yours." She raised both arms as her scythe formed in her hands.

Suddenly men in white suits appeared out of nowhere surrounding the four and one of them pressed a button. Mockingbird's barrier disappeared along with her scythe. She was gripping her head as she curled in a ball and clenched her jaw. The blue and black color receded. Scarlet and Crome rushes to her side. Nick took a few steps back and brushed the dirt off of him.

"You either go with me or Phantom kills your friends and you still end up with me. What will it be Mockingbird?" He sneered cockily her nickname.

Jane's eyes returned to silver as she layer there on the ground. Rage had consumed her as her eyes darted from one suit to the next. Her breathing got quicker as the adrenaline from before wore off and panic started to set in.

"Get out, before it's too late." Were words she muttered repeatedly but barely managed to get out.

"Stop pretending to have feelings, I already know my friends here weeded those out." He said harshly. "Get up. Now."


"Watch what you say boy because you don't know how right you are." Nick grinned sinisterly.

Jane strained to get up on her feet and looked at Crome and Scarlet. "If you value your life, go home, the both of you. The situation has been neutralized and I will not be accompanying you back." Her voice was monotone as she walked slowly with her head down.

Stopping just behind of the man to his left side Jane seemed like a lifeless doll. Her eyes no longer held the passion and fire they once did.

"Isn't that a good little sheep, lucky for you these runts aren't worth the trouble of killing. Come, we've wasted enough time." He ordered.

Scarlet and Crome could see all the men in white slowly disappear and with them their friend.

Hearts shatter against the remaining ice when someone dear to you leaves.

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