Chapter 15: Charge

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One of them lunged at her from behind, quickly turning around she saw something that made her heart sink. A replica of the collar, just no number on the side. Swinging her bag she smashed it into Axel before dodging hands.

Trying to portal her way out Jane smacked into the door with a painful groan. "What was that?"

She heard a chick as the collar secured itself to her neck.

"Little thing we cooked up, just as insurance." Mae answered.

"Your too dangerous." Scott said after he put down a pen and turned towards her. "Now, do you want to come peacefully and be treated civilly or be treated as a prisoner?"

Jane got up. Glanced at the four people before responding. "I've never stopped fighting, not for 3 years, and I'm not going to give up all that I have worked so hard to not see the end." Her eyes still glowed blue even through the obvious pain she showed there was pure hatred but not directed at them. "It's what made me survive. It's what made me strong. It's the reason why I won't be giving up."

Nate and Axel grabbed Jane's arms and forced her downward. Something cold attached itself to both of her hands, binding them together. One of her eyes started flickering back to silver as she still fought even in her current state.

"Then you won't be given freedom , just like a criminal." Scott said with a sharp tone with a scowl on his face.

Jane suddenly shifted to the side causing the tension to loosen and give her enough space to slip out of Axle and Nate. Backing herself away from them Jane could feel her control slipping.

It would only take a couple of minutes to lose it all. Not enough time to escape from the room let alone the collar and special handcuffs. She couldn't let them get the case. She needed to complete her assignment. She needed to get out. She needed to see their powers. She needed to buy herself time until the wave. She needed energy.

A mixture of a cry and choking exploded in her mouth.

There wasn't a way out, not in her current state. If she gave up now not only will her plan be destroyed but Phantom would win. They would have access to a massive amount of strong abilities to exploit.

Her fingers curled around the collar.

Would it be worth it to become a villain in their eyes?

Jane's eyes closed shut.

Would it be worth letting it take control?

Her teeth were clenched and tears fell onto the ground. A dark aura surrounded her horns.

Would it be worth her power?

"You can't see what's infront of you!" She yelled."I am dangerous because I will sacrifice everything so Phantom dose not win!"

Would it be worth giving up what make her both Mockingbird and the Devil's Dragon?

Jane's eyes, full of tears, were a brilliant mix of black, silver and lightning blue.

It wouldn't matter if this didn't not, if she hadn't done it the result would have been the same.

It was foolish and there was no telling the result.

Yet, that's what made Jane herself. This was her.

A seemingly reckless kid with a high understanding about what she possessed. That is what the world would see her as.

The collar and handcuffs turned black with blue markings.

Perhaps understanding the outcomes is what made her unique. But that wasn't what made her great. It wasn't her understanding of her powers or the curse mark's potential. It wasn't her struggles that defined her. It wasn't her losses or victories either.

It was her dedication to others. Everything Jane did was for the one's she cared about. She loved Scarlet and Crome but her heart ached at their faces when she killed those men. She used Nick by being friendly so he wouldn't attack them and in turn got what she needed. She panicked so that the rookies could see even someone powerful has weaknesses. She jumped to bring the world to the attention that there was more ability users.

Everything was for a reason.

Everything until now had been planned.

They were an expected unexpected variable that would always play when there is a threat.

Too bad her other plans were cut short from this fiesta. From her calculations it would take her ability to absorb energy for at least 5 months. This would cause her an extremely limited energy output, no more massive attacks.

She had one burst.

One to be deemed as nonlethal.


One to escape

Jane could see Scott and Mae both power up as the lunged at her. The collar and binds dropped on the ground. Flexing her fingers on both her hands slapped together as if she was going to pray. A loud explosion of white energy blasted all of them back. Once everyone recovered enough to see what happened they saw something speechless.

Jane was unconscious, her hands were blistering from burns. A long jagged scar went down across her eye. She took in shallow breaths as stitched wounds dripped blood on her cloths created stains. There was bruising all over her body especially her wrists. Fresh skin peeled from Jane's neck. Her ribs seemed to be freshly fractured and made it hard to breath. But once you took an even closer look on top of her head you could see what caused the blinding explosion.

Her horns were gone and the curse mark was the size of an eraser head.

There was nothing left for her to give because her horns was how she could produce her type of energy. In turn, the curse mark shrank since it couldn't consume the massive amounts of energy. What many didn't know was that she used that same energy to hide and heal wounds that would clearly show weakens. The glow her eyes produced was so that she could see not only movement but the amount of different types of energy around her. Her skin was too big of an organ to cover it all in an illusion. Thus she couldn't potentially compromise the others to cover her neck.

Now she laid at the mercy of others. Completely unprotected and probably unable to use her powers.

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