Chapter 21: Oizys

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"I'm not talking to some shrink." Jae said with a hostile tone.

"Your not going to get breakfast again Ms. Moore nor get out of this room until you answer just a few." The middle aged woman with spiky bleached hair hummed.

She huffed. "I can survive with just 2 meals Doc, I'm not answering your questions."

She put on her glasses. "They are just general questions. I'm just here to help."

"I'll do it on one condition, my wrists aren't bound anymore."

"Well... I think we can work something out." The woman got up and for a moment left the room before coming back.

"They can still have the blocker on them but I just don't want to have the wrists together."

"Alright, would you like to start?"

Jane gave a small nod

"Full name?"

"Jane Moore is what the doctor gave me, Jane 382 is what they called me."

"Who is this 'they'?"

"Phantom, they kinda killed everyone I knew 3 years ago and then trained me to be a weapon."

"Right, I read that in your file. Do you think we are alone?"

"Most likely not considering that there's cameras thus this conversation is being recorded."

"Would you help someone who's life is in danger?"

"Yes, if I can I will."

"What dose death mean to you?"

"It's the end of what you experience but not of your story, all the people that you see and talk to are affected in some way by you presence. Sometimes in small ways, sometimes in large ways. Yet we never get to see what happens after."

"How do you want to be remembered?"

"I...I want to be remembered as..." Jane started to drift off.

How did she want to be remembered? Everyone wants to have value but what kind of value?

"Jane?" the shrink asked.

"Well... I want to be remembered as someone who brought Phantom down for good."

"What are your favorite pastimes?"

"I...don't have any." Jane's eyes were looking at the floor.

"It's fine. We can just skip that if it doesn't apply. Now, what makes your heart smile?"

"When I go as fast as I can with my portals then laugh into the air. It feels like I'm flying, even for a second, I'm free."

"Do you believe in the afterlife?"

"No, once your dead you stay dead, at least that's how it's supposed to go."

"Describe your perfect day for me."

" I'm not thinking about Phantom because they are already destroyed."

"Do you have a sense of community?"

"I try to not get too close with people in general but Moon is an exception. He and I have similar connection to the same energy, it's just natural to feel safer with someone similar to you.

"Would you say you love him?"

"Yes because we understand one another, I want to be close so that I can protect him."

"Protect from what?"

"I want to protect Moon from Phantom, I don't want either of us to go back. I spent 3 years there and intend to see it destroyed."

"What did they do you you?"

"Trained us."

"Would you obey an order to hurt someone?"

"Well, I have before. Yes."

"What is the key to solving life's problems?"

"To come at the problem with all possible angles, meaning you change the way you think, you observe and record. Then you come up with a plan that has the highest success and execute."

The woman was writing notes down for a few minutes before setting the pen down.

"I held my end."Jane glared at the woman.

"Once I leave the room, may I ask a few more questions?"


"Why didn't you ask for my name?Usually people do. I have no identification on me so why wouldn't you ask my name?"

"I don't intend to become friends with someone who analyzes every word and every sudden movement I make."

"Did Phantom teach you about how to hide what you really think?"


"Gaining trust is hard when there's so much pain. So you just decided to push everyone away and act different parts of what they wanted to see. You do it even now. Who are you really Jane Moore?"

She sat there for a moment. "A weapon who holds their trigger on the people who want to abuse power. After that I want to live my life as a human." Her arms moved to rest her elbows on the table. "Having a collar and covering hands isn't treating someone as human. I let myself be captured time and time again, why do you think I do that? Why take so long to destroy Phantom? Why not go to the public and see them tear it down? Why not the police? No mass mob or powerful attacks can make them crumble, they are everywhere, all you have to do is put doubt into the minds and create a power vacuum to see them destroying one another."

"What all did they teach you to make you believe that you aren't human?"

Her face was tilted downward "I am their creation that will be their destruction."

"Bold move to do this alone."

"I'm not." There was a smile on Jane's face as she looks at the woman in the eyes. "The great thing about Phantom is their ignorance to their experiments. All I need now is to get the public's eye."

"You've killed, what makes you think that the public
won't shame you? Mark you as a terrorist,"

"I don't care about their opinion on me, I just need to let them see what's been underneath them."

"If you weren't so focused on Phantom you could be the next Hitter or Einstein . Yet, you raise your priorities over your own well being."

"I can take it."

"You don't want to show weakness because your afraid."

"Yea, yea I am afraid. You should be too. It's not just because your trained to not show it but because I need to work quickly and quietly. We have at best a few months, at least a few days. My team is waiting for the signal, waiting for the next move, waiting to end this."

"How do I know that your not just trying to intimidate me so that you can do what you like?"

Jane gave a slight shrug. "I'm trained in combat, you are trained in the mind. They are similar but vastly different. The only way I can intimidate anyone is if I put the unknown infront of them."

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