Chapter 2: White

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Her eyes widened at he appearance of two individual. One had a black tailcoat with accents and face mask of green, male, carried 2 pistols on either side underneath, glasses, long scar on his left cheek, hints of grey in his black hair that was combed back neatly. The other one had a similar tailcoat except it was white with pink accents, folds at the bottom, violet shorts, long black socks with combat boots, black v-neck shirt, rolled up sleeves to the elbow, hood, and a pink face mask. They had their own wide eyes once they caught glimpse of her. The black and green whispered something about a database before running down the hall. The white and pink was hesitant to approach but did it anyway. A kick of adrenaline flowed through her just as the woman was about to speak. Lunging at the woman she slammed her into the floor with a hard kick before bouncing to the other side of the room. Charging at the door the collar activated again, less painful but effectively stopped her. Like an injured deer she laid on her side, the woman quickly recovered from her kick and looked over her. This time she didn't react to the woman's presence as she crouched down. She suddenly could hear the release of the collar from its grip around her neck.

Studying the woman as her partner returned to hand her something rectangular, a flash drive. As they had their backs turned she slowly got up. Her eyes flickered before a constant color radiated from them. Lines of the same blue marked over her body as she charged herself. Quickly she appeared on the other side, the two went after her only to see the walls start to move. Four gigantic robots clanked out from the walls, she kept running towards them. A scythe suddenly formed in her hand and like water she ripped out cords, heads, and parts from them to deactivate them. The bodies of the robots fell to the ground as the scythe disappeared. Continuing down the hall she slammed into the exit door. Stepping outside with bare feet she could hear the crunching of snow underneath her. White puffs of air came out as she exhaled. Her head swivel as her newest enemies could be heard almost finished with the stairs. Disappearing from her spot she left a round trail in the snow as she went down the mountain. She could feel as she got further from her prison her stamina was decreasing. Her breathing got quicker and the glow slowly disappeared. Her body didn't have any energy to continue and she had already didn't have much to start her journey. It was night, the last thing she saw before passing out was the half moon.

As the two people got outside they saw the rather large carved snow path and a couple of foot prints. They followed the trail for a few hours before finding the girl in the snow. Calling in a jet to pick them up they carried her onboard. Both of them pulled off their masks and hoods as they flew back to base.

Original, they were sent on this mission to destroy a weapon in development, one that could kill an entire army in the blink of an eye. Once they found only a girl the two decided to bring her in, after all they too were what many would called "gifted". They had a division to help people learn how to control their gifts and better understand them. Only a handful have been found so far, they have been training to become defenders of the people. Having noble intentions and full of morals this one was different.

File after file her understand of her powers increased. Turning it into energy to be utilized in almost any form as long as she understood everything needed to not only copy but improve it. That was why she was considered a weapon. However, she was listed as a experiment not a project, which was interesting to say the least. She was filed as a resident for 3 years, as opposed to some of the deceased filed that were also found, there wasn't any starting date marked.

They landed at their base in Nevada and handed the kid over to Remi, their medic. The white and pink one was Cupid, the black and green was Iwix. Cupid and Iwix were both 2 of the 8 found gifted individuals. 4 of the other gifted are at a separate base that's in the air. The other two here are Crome and Scarlet, the two newest ones found about three months ago. Iwix stepped off the jet and went off to dig further into the information that Phantom had at that facility while Cupid explained to the other two what happed on their mission.

It was hours before she woke up on a cold metal table. Inhaling sharply before her eyes popped open to see the tall ceiling above her. Lifting her back off the table she sat up. An IV was on her right hand, peeling the tape away, she pulled it out. Jumping down into a crouching position she could feel the clean clothes on her body brush up against fresh bandages. Her jet black hair was soft and combed out.

She leaped behind some drawers as soon as she found hear the tapping of footsteps against the floor. Not knowing how much she had even recovered meant the best option was to avoid a fight. The footsteps slowed down as they entered the room. There was two people that in the room that were alarmed about her sudden disappeared. Talking about how she couldn't have gone far made her tense. They had some idea of what she could do but that wasn't true for them, they were a mystery to her.

A voice whispered in her ear, telling her that the best thing to do is not to underestimate them. Kill them while you still have the chance. Focus on their feet, not their eyes. Analyze the sudden patterns, dominance, and anything that has to deal with what type of abilities. After all, they managed to infiltrate Phantom, which is no easy feat.

Bouncing out from her hiding spot one of her eyes turned black again.

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