Chapter 19: Ra

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Jane felt the sharp pain in her neck, her eyes popped open. No white room, 3 familiar faces, piloted aircraft, guns in bulky cases.

"Thought we might have actually killed you. Guess your time is another day." The voice burrowed into her skull, it was Moonshine.

Her vision was blurred and her limbs felt numb. Managing to back away slightly more qq before seeing their faces, or at least a fuzzy picture of them.

"I thought we agreed on a date, why didn't you come and see us? We missed you so very much." Hummed the voice of Patchwork.

"You're lucky that the mouth breathers didn't shoot you." Growled Moonshine with green eyes. "Give me one good reason not to fry your brain."

Jane rubbed her eyes as she leaned against the table that she had laid on. "You don't have enough concentrated energy to do something like that."

Something plunged into her shoulder but it wasn't painful, all she felt was the pressure. It felt warm and full of life. Instantly her body subconsciously consumed it. Jane felt the pressure on the top of her head continue.

"What in-"

Jane could feel the energy rush through her bones.

Her eyes lit up blue. "Thanks for the boost."

Moonshine pulled the glowing sea green knife out. He kicked her right where her injured ribs were and pushed her backwards. She could feel numbing into someone behind her as they held a red knife to her throat.

"They get locked away and all they do for years is break your mind. No combat. No resting. Just pain." He hissed in her ear and pulled away.

Jane could see him better now, all of them except Herring. Moonshine had pale white skin, dark brown hair, and had on a standard black suit on. Patchwork had his arms replaced by basic a bright red and yellow living scarf, dagger like teeth and short ginger hair.

"You were always so spoiled, allowed to go to school, allowed to believe that you were an average child, allowed to have freedom."

"What are you talking about?" Jane winced at the dagger slightly that was held to her neck.

"You were created like this you idiot! You were never normal!" He smashed Jane into the wall. "Get it through that thick skull of yours that you never will be." Her head met the floor with a loud thump.

Jane got back up. She could taste the metallic flavor in her mouth.

"I am really getting tired of passing out." She smirked before her hand started to glow.

"Put your little flashing eyes away." He chuckled. "We already know who is more powerful."

Jane kicked Moon in the side. He scowled before he tackled her. They struggled on the floor for domination. Eventually he hit something that was wounded and managed to pin Jane down. His hands on her arms made it impossible to even touch him. They stayed like that peering into one another's minds.

Jane lifted her head to whisper in his ear. "At first I was terrified, then I found comfort in knowing that I am not alone." She pulled away and spoke louder. "Let me go."

The tension in her shoulders released as he got off of her.

"Ugh, get a room you two. I'm tired of your weird fights all the time." Herring pretended to gag before leaving the area of that plane with Patch close behind.

Moon held out his hand to pull her up. "You didn't have to kick me so hard you know."

Jane grabbed it. "Yea well you did hit a tender spot."

He pulled her up. "How's the mission going?"

"9/10 targets locations are found, the 4 professionals I haven't determined how big of a threat they are. They are probably panicking about you guys basically kidnapping me while I was unconscious." Jane smirked.

"Yea well you haven't reported in a couple of months so they called us to come in. What was up with your weak gig?"

"It was the only way to have them think the kid they see isn't dangerous." Jane sighed. "Thanks to your little EP I have 3 months until I can even think about fighting them."

"I thought it would take more energy to see where you were, are you ok?" He rubbed her shoulders.

"Just a migraine, nothing that won't pass." Jane rested her head on Moon's chest.

She could hear his heart pump blood through his body like the energy that flowed through both of them. He was one of the few things that made her feel safe. Something that she hadn't felt in a while. He ran his fingers through her hair, careful to not touch the tiny horns barely poking out of her scalp. They were the only two who could tap into the astral plane and it connected them, mind and power. That's why they cared for each other. It was like migration for a bird, they wanted to be close like lovers even if their minds said no their hearts said yes.

"J?" He said softly


"Why don't we run?"

"You know what they'd do to us, right now our best bet is to pretend to be loyal and strike when they are weakest. Already 'He' is starting to become careless and soon they will all bleed for it." Jane whispered as she held tighter to Moon. "I'll get us all free this time."

He smiled at her determined face."So what do you think about the 2 teams?" Moon sat on a couch in the next area over where they were.

"People trust them, they think that these groups are their champions who will protect them. My vote is to let them play." He could see that she had something else on her tongue.

"What If we went to Nevada and dropped you off?"

"Then they know I'm playing sides." Jane started to pace slightly. "If you drop me near a beach their response should be quick, considering how they picked me up originally."

"I don't want to just leave you J. Not this time without any back up. I'm coming with you."

"I know what I signed up for, how do you think those top assholes will react?"

Moon smiled. "They never bother you before, besides we'll talk it over with Patchwork and Herring before hand. How about a beach?"

Jane rolled her eyes. "Fine. Talk with them while I get the bird out of the sky."

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