Chapter 25: Agni

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Jane snickered. "Who hit you on the head?"

Scott looked stunned at the comment. "Well, from previous-"

Jane cut him off. "You're evaluations of the past is what lead you to this mess. Phantom is purposefully getting sloppy to slowly get in view of the public, just as I did." She shifted the the bacon on her plate. "Do you know what they want?"

"Don't they want more agents and your powers?" Scott said while shoving some eggs and orange juice down his throat.

"No. They want more abilities. They want complete world domination. They want compliance." Jane poked at the eggs as well. "Moon and I want to stop them, in order to do that we need certifiable things." She bit into the crispy bacon and sat it down.

"Which is?" Mae looked at Jane tired of asking the same questions without answers.

"If you can not see it why ask? Think from different perspectives, why would two experiments escape and want from a group of proclaimed pro heroes? It's a quite simple answer."

Axel entered the room and sat down. "Thought we were going to talk about what to do." he sounded annoyed. "Looks like someone already decided."

"Moon!" Jane suddenly exclaimed as she almost tripped over her chair and ran towards him and Nate.

The group could see something that Jane hadn't ever done even with Scarlet nor Crome. She wrapped her warm arms around him, he did the same while bracing from the force Jane came at.

"I shouldn't have let you come." Jane whispered while tightening her grip.

Moon put his hand on top of her head. Tilting his head down to rest on top of her's.

"Don't gets too soft, we're not out yet." He whispered before raising his head to look at the bewildered group. " It smells good."

Jane released her grip and cleared her throat.

Pretending like nothing happened she turned toward the table."Eggs, bacon, orange juice, and toast."

"Real feast, huh?" Moon took a seat and started eating.

Jane sat back down silently eating her's too, the four people looked at the two like they had just seen a ghost.

Well, it was mostly true, but they knew she had died over, and over, and over again. Retuning to the living world always meant sacrifices. Healing from wounds that should have killed any normal person, luckily she wasn't. However, that didn't mean she could heal others. The first time it was unintentional, she tried, fought, to save them all but ended up alone. It was safer to not get attached. No more pain for the dead, maybe that's why for so long she felt like so. Jane felt alive again with Moon, but even that wouldn't last.

The mark is a curse that told not only your death but the one before you. It spoke of your beginning and end. The final moments before you had a permanent end. She would take a soul in turn for her own, if she had one. At least there wasn't blood already.

"-ane. Jane." A snapping finger woke her from her cold stare into her plate.

"Sorry I spaced out, what were we talking about?" Jane's head lifted to see that the other had finally sat down and loaded their plates.

"About what your thoughts are on what our next steps are." Nate said in a muffled voice.

"Right. Well, I have a proposal first. We work together as allies." Jane looked at Mae and Scott.

The two glanced at each other. "Considering How we've treated you I'm surprised you're not spatting orders and directions." Scott twisted his fork to make awful sound that didn't seem to bother anyone else.

"Coming in with guns a flare would make my life harder. Coming in with neutrality and forgiveness will make for success. At this moment the signs are not there for me to do any 'ordering' or 'directions'. I assure you that if signs appear you will not be hearing any lengthy conversation but rather see my diligence to secure." Jane's voice was monotone and she spoke like this had been her job for years.

"What are those signs?" Mae asked.

"Currently there is a drastic decrease in people with gifts, abilities, powers, whatever you want to call them, like the stock market it will also go up. There will be a dramatic increase in people with abilities, most likely more powerful than any in the past 2 years has produced. Phantom and the Blood King will try to get to these people first. Our current priority is to ensure that no mater what this dose not happen. If they do those people will turn into living weapons. However there is another potential problem that me and Moon have been discussing." Jane started to give a worried look towards Moon.

Moon looked at her then back at Mae and Scott. "There isn't any true human that is connected to the astral plane."

"But you two are human." Scott said in confusion.

"We were created by Phantom, we weren't born inside of a womb but rather just, well, created." Moon looked down almost in shame.

"My parents were scientists that created all of Project Ova. They wanted to see, since all the other Jane experiments had gotten too powerful too quickly for their bodies to handle the strain, if they could stabilize the mind first and grow the body before removing the inhibitor inside. The explosion caused for the inhibitor to fail and in turn gave the illusion of gifting me along with my classmates powers." Jane looked stone cold at Scott. "I knew since the age of 10."

Mae covered her mouth.

"Phantom killed those scientists that I once called parents because they refused to create another Jane and burned all their work." Jane's eyes flickered dangerously with blue streaks. "So you can understand why I want to end this."

"You're not fighting for others like you but for the rest of us too blind to sense their presence." Mae murmured just loud enough for everyone at the table to hear.

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