Chapter 8: Snow

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Bolting our the door Jane ran onto the grass and roots. She opened a single portal and didn't hesitate to jump in.

Landing on snow the sound of ice crunching against the soles of her shoes rang in the obis. Puffs of white came out of her mouth as she looked around at the snow covered tree tops. That was the last of what she had, it would take a couple days at least to replenish.

Tears fell from her cheeks. Jane looked at Nick's body on the ground as she wiped them away he started to move.

Jerking him up by the back of his coat she hissed at him. "This doesn't mean anything."

She slammed him into the snow and allowed him to get himself up from the ground. A cut on his lip caused the red stain on the white surface.

Nick chuckled. "Still have that hostility in you, but so is your loyalty." He tidied his clothing up before starting to walk. "However, that's not why you haven't killed me. You want to seal that thing inside of you."

Turning around Nick has his hands in the pockets with a devilish grin.

Jane scoffed. "At least I don't play the same card twice. Where is it?"

"Where is what?"

"Where is it?" Her voice was stern and direct.

"You don't forget a trick do you?" He sighed. "What do you mean?"

"The lab, where's the entrance?" Jane clutched his coat collar. "Once I get an actual suit I'll be out of you hair for good. The only reason I saved you was because your leverage."

"A suit?" He laughed. "All of this for a suit?"

"Can't blame someone for wanting to go solo." She started walking towards some trees. "I don't need any connections. You were just the most convenient."

Nick joined her. "I'll personally draw up some of your old designs to get a se-"

"No. That person you met years ago died. Create something that fits me now, not the old me."

"All right, you know that I don't think of you as emotionless right? We could always use a professional like you to give the rookies a couple of tips."

"Trying to sweet talk me?" Jane smiled and gave a short laugh before her face turned back to a cold composure. "This is purely business, I'm not staying Nick, I just can't."

"I shouldn't be surprised you never were the type to stay in one place." He sighed. "It's only about a 5 minute walk till the entrance."

Suddenly a loud crack shattered the chill air filled with snow.

"Is that one of yours?" Jane sounded unimpressed.

"Local that scares off people who come too close." Zack hummed a tune. "Our deal is the same?"

"One favor for another." Jane grabbed a branch before pulling it down. "Same as it will always be."

The fake trunk slowly opened up to reveal a round elevator. Jane and Nick stepped in and the sliding door closed. They went down beneath the ground before stopping at the entrance floor. The two got off as the familiar sounds of many at work filled their ears.

A relaxed smile crept onto Jane's face. "What have you told them? Hopefully the quality has improved as well."

"I'm sure that many of my warriors would love to take you on. Sadly none have even come close to becoming an Ace."

Jane chuckled "Is it you or are there just less appropriate people being chosen?"

"There's been a decrease recently..." Nick seemed to drift off and he was less cheerful

"With a decrease a surge will follow." Jane finished his thought out loud. "How long?"

"Right around your group came it started to decrease." He said somberly just as someone started pulling him into a room. "I'll have someone send for you, should know your way around, make yourself comfortable."

Jane saw him step into a conference room with people seated at the large wooded table. Catching glimpses of faces before the door closed. She could hear not so distant clashes of sparing with the occasional thump. She followed the sound to a large room for sparing, similar to where Iwix and Cupid held training. There were no doors. Chanting and yelling circled the two competitors as small explosions rang out and lightning flashed. Two names were chanted, Arlo and Gar.

Stepping right into the outer ring of people, Jane made her way through the crowed to see the fight. Peering at their drive and at their technique she couldn't help but wonder how the fight hadn't ended already.

A combination of poor skill and lack of technique could easily determine the winner but in a longer fight the one who had a higher reaction and deeper reserves would the winner. Predicting what type of fight correctly would make a tremendous difference. It would take a regular person years to perfect this and control the situation. Ending something quicker catches your opponent off guard and drawing it out empties your opponents energy.

Kill them, there too weak to be
No stop them!
End it then challenge them all!
Use the mark!
Jump in and move around!

Jane rubbed her head as more voices invaded her brain at once. Lifting her head up she felt the tingle in her arm as black coated it. Murmurs started in the crowd.

A blur of black jumped in just before the two clashed again.

"Now, I love a good brawl as anyone else but this is pathetic." Both of her arms were black and had grabbed one by the ankle and the other by the wrist.

"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" Said the one struggling to free his hand.

The crowd grew restless. Booing and side comments were thrown her way.

"Who do you think I am?"

"A CRAZY BITCH WHO'S GONNA GET FRIED!" The guy freed himself and took a few steps back with his hands open wide.

"Wrong answers." She hissed as she tossed the other one aside.

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