She looked pissed.

"What happened?"Ross raised his eyebrows at her and she groaned again "The flowers! The damn red roses I ordered won't be here for another week since there was problems with the shipping and we'll probably need a few days to set them up just the right way and order more if it's needed! The weeding is in three fucking weeks!" She freaked out.

"oh..wait that's kind of soon"Ross furrowed his eyebrows, now realizing that in a matter of three weeks his brother was getting married.

It was crazy to him.

"I don't think you're helping Ross" Riker approached them with a shake of his head as his fiancee fumed in anger.

Ryland,who had just now approached them laughed at that.

"Sorry" he shrugged.

"Babe! It's fine. I'm sure we'll have enough time to arrange the flower situation. This wedding is going to be great" Riker squeezed her shoulders in reassurance and she nodded "I hope. Or I'm seriously going to kill someone"

"And I'll help hide the body" Rydel giggled, sitting beside her with Vanilla,one of their white frenchies in her lap.

Savannah pouted as she rested her head on her best friend's shoulder.

"Ooo are we talking about the wedding again?" Stormie approached the group clapping her hands in excitement "I can't wait! And then I want some grandchildren to take care of from you guys asap" she pointed at Riker and Savannah.

"Mom!" Riker protested as Ross tried to hold it,but ended up bursting out laughing.

"Oh it's so funny isn't it?" Riker gave his little brother a disgusted look "Why don't you tell us how that outing with Laura went in Vancouver. We saw pictures!" Riker shoot back at him, trying to get him embarrassed.

Thankfully for Ross he didn't have a girlfriend yet, and he didn't know about him hanging out with Abbey at all, so of course he had to grab somewhere.

That somewhere being raura and the internet popularity of it.

"Oh yeah a lot of pictures. I was tagged in at least a hundred and I wasn't even there" Rydel gave him a look as Savannah nodded "Me too. They were all over the internet"

"We didn't take that much, there was just a lot of reposts & a lot of paparazzi ones"Ross rolled his eyes. Yes their disguises hadn't worked as well as they all hoped they would."My time with Laura and the rest of the group went just fine. We ate, we shopped and we fucked around. We had fun" Ross shrugged.

"Fucked around? What an interesting choice of words" Ryland snorted a laugh and Ross rolled his eyes at his little brother "What are you? 5?"

"So now you know what it feels like" Riker smirked at Ross.

"Did you guys sent her a invitation to the wedding?" Rydel asked, completely ignoring her brothers.

"I think we did yeah" Vanni nodded "Riker said you guys were all pretty close to her back in the day so we decided to invite her...and plus" Savannah got closer to Stormie and Rydel in an attempt for the guys not to hear her "We lowkey did it for Ross too. They don't get to reunite a lot and Riker says her presence makes him...happy?"Savannah questioned a bit at the end.

"Oh yeah!" Stormie and Rydel immediately nodded at her.

"He gets this boyish smile and attitude like he's fifteen all over again. It's fucking cute" Rydel replied.

"Yes! It's like a little sparkle in his eyes. And a stupid smile. He acts like a kid" Stormie's smile widened and Savannah pouted at her "aww"

"What are you guys talking about?" Ross suddenly enters their whisper fest and they look at him "Nothing!"

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