"Hi Will." I smile at him and give him a hug.

"So how are you feeling?" He asks and I smile and nod.

"I'm feeling okay, I'm not feeling as sick as I have been feeling." I tell him and walk with him towards the training ground outside where they boys are playing a game of football. 

"Look there's dad." Davi shouts and point to Neymar through the glass door to where she shows off and flicks the ball up ofer Dani's head making everyone laugh and Davi clap as we walk out and sit on one of the benches.

Neymar waves over to us making us all smiles as we continue to watch the game. Will sets Davi go so he cant run about.

"So when are going to tell the world that you're preggo?" He asks making me laugh and place my hands onto my lap close to my stomach, not making it obvious because there are a few paparazzi taking pictures.

"Neymar and I took a picture this morning showing off the bump and I'll probably post it tonight." I infrom him.

"Well I'll be stalking both your Instagrams so I can repost it." He nudges sholders with me making me laugh.

"I'm pretty sure Kaya has been doing that for the past three months, she's been waiting so long for me to tell." I laugh along with Will and he pats me on the head.

"I remember when I first met you and I knew the moment that Neymar seen you that he wanted to go on a date with you. Now you're pregnant with his baby and I'm sure he couldn't be happier." Will smiles at me and I blush.

"Well he help me move on from my relationship before and I can't thank him enough. He got me out of a horrible relationship that I never want to be in again." I look down at my hands and think about what my relationship with Jason was like. I haven't thought about him for at least a year, it gives me shivers of thinking that I actually put up with what he put me throw and now seeing the way that Neymar treats me, I really shouldn't have dealt with it.

"I'm happ to be carrying such an amazing man's baby." I tell him honestly making Will smile.

"Or is it that you're just happy to be carrying a footballers baby so you can have a talented baby?" He asks with a smrik making me nod sarcastically.

"Oh yeah that's another good point, you'll either have a beautiful girl or you're going to have a boy that can be a footballer." I grin and he laughs.

"I think that's probably why Orleigh's with me." He jokes and I laugh.

"She must be disapointed that she didn't get the boy so he can become a footballer." I smile slightly and he laughs loudly.

"Do you have any names?" He asks and I nod and tell him the names Neymar and I have thought of.

"They're all very nice, but I don't think anoyone can top Elise." He crosses his arms over his chest and has a smug look across his face. 

Will and I talk for the rest of the training until Neyar comes over and tries to give me a hug, but I run away because he is all sweaty.

"Get away from me!" I scream loudly as I run away from Neymar who is trying to catch me. Davi is also following behind Neymar trying to catch me as well, he's als screaming loudly his laughter.

"Come'n just one hug!" He shouts back making me turn my head around and glare at him. Because I turn around I trip of my feet and feel myself falling but Neymar has good instincts and runs even faster and cathes me before I fall to the ground. I gasp and I hear everyone else gasp as well at the thought of a pregnant woman following.

"Oh my gosh Scout be careful. I don't even want to think about what could have happened if you did fall, Oh gosh please be careful." He pulls me back up to my feet and holds me colse to him, his hand at the back of my head as he presses kisses to the side of my head.

The Footballer's Girlfriend (Neymar Jr)Where stories live. Discover now