" You don't need to search for him " JM said and glanced at me. Wait, don't tell me that... " Sky can control those elements. And I have no doubt that Sky really is the descendant of Alforo. A girl named Breanne also told us that Sky is Alforo's descendant. "

" So you met her already. The only descendant of Lafora, that person is a kind of, an irritant. Actually she's already in our base. There really is no doubt that you are Alforo's descendant, but we need to make it sure first. If he really is Alforo's descendant, control the four elements " Clark said. Staring at me. I have no choice then. But what if they're just. No they had it already. They know Breanne. If she will be captured I'm sure that she will not give her name.

" Okay then, but what will we do after this? " I asked.

" Simple, we'll go to our base and we're gonna have a long talk, or short talk if you'd like to " Clark said and sat on the ground. His eyes are fixed on me. I signed JM to keep his distance away from me.

" Thunder " I whispered in my ears and a lightning struck the tree and divided the tree into half and it fell on the ground.

" Alforo's descendant can't be that weak. Only one tr... " He didn't continue as he saw me casting another spell.

" Multiple Thunder " I whispered and most of the trees in the forest is divided into half because of the lightning that I called and it burned almost all of the forest. Our place where we are isn't of course. Next.

" Flame stroke " I casted again and a small floating ball of fire passed through the center of the trunks of the trees that are brightly burning. I moved it using my eyes. It flew up and fell down to the ground and left some fiery tracks. The trees where it passed ,fell and joined the burning field of moss. They kept on staring at me carefully. Their eyes are so fixed on me. I released a deep sigh and prepared my pose in casting. I took a glance on JM, he yawned, he seems drowsy. They use some kind of or barrier that covers their whole body from flame and smoke.

" Waternado " I whispered, then a cold breezing wind rushed through my body. On my body alone, because it looks like JM and the others aren't affected. It slowly formed a large whirl of water that traveled aroud the forest and slowly left the area, leaving the wet and full of ash forest and all of the fire disappeared.Last.

" Freeze " I casted and while looking at the rock. I felt a great force coming from my body that is slowly transferring to the rock. Then, the huge mossy rock turned into an iceberg. The forest is kinda devastating, gloomy, and grim, right now. Most of the trees are down and are ashy. Dead creatures can be find too. Like, forest deers, owls, and many more. I think I overused my powers and destroyed the nature.

" It's enough. Yes, I can say that your performance was great and you're powerful. But this will call the demons attention and will worsen the situation of ours. You should've thought about it first " Clark said blackly and stood up. The unknown named guy followed him. Their friend Lucio seems awake. He's standing up slowly while scratching the back of his head. JM came near beside me.

" What happened? " Lucio asked, unconsciously.

" We found Alforo's descendant already. And by the way I'm Allen " The Allen-named guy said. Finally I knew his name.

" Yes, BUT WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS PLACE!? " Lucio said, surprised, his eyes are filled with gape while staring at the devastated forest.

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