Aurora's POV:

"Let's get you to sleep, angel." Tristan hums as he walks towards the bed.

After taking a bath and doing other things in the bathroom, I dried off and got dressed. I'm ready to go back to sleep, especially now that I get to be in his arms.

"We need to change those sleeping habits of yours, yeah?" He asks, a small smile tugging at his lips as I nod. He's right. I've been sleeping all day during these past few months. I would sometimes stay awake at night as I slept all morning. I felt horrible but I'm better now, I'm ready to change that.

He pushes the covers down, allowing me to slide in next to him. He pulls the sheets over me and I scoot closer to him, feeling the need to touch him and be intimate with him. He has no idea how much I missed him. I never slept well when I wasn't wrapped up in his embrace. I'd feel unsafe and nervous, basically the opposite of how I'm feeling right now.

"Good night, angel." He hums in a deep voice, planting a kiss on the top of my head.

"Night." I mumble, closing my eyes with a content smile on my face.

The next morning:

"Aurora." I hear his voice wake me up as he shakes my shoulder lightly. I open my eyes, blinking and adjusting to the light. "I have to be somewhere. Are you okay to stay here by yourself for a few hours?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Thank you." I assure him, squinting my sleepy eyes at him.

"I'll be back soon." He states, kissing my forehead before walking away as I watch him.

I turn my head to the side to glance at the clock and it's still eight in the morning. It's still early for me to wake up so I'll just sleep for a few more hours.

At about 10AM, I finally had the energy to get out of bed and start my day. It's strange waking up this early, especially since I completely messed up my sleep schedule during the past few months.

I decided that I'll be telling Tristan about what happened with Jackson. I don't want to keep anything from him. I feel like it's his place to know, I just hope he doesn't kick off and do something bad.

I'm very nervous so I need to butter him up before I tell him anything, in the hopes that it'll calm him down. Even if it doesn't, I just want to cook for him. He always says how much he loves it and it's been forever since I  did.

I got out of bed and cleaned around the room, folded the sheets and made the bed before I washed my face, brushed my teeth and hair.

Then I headed downstairs to make breakfast. It's been a while since I've been productive and did housework. I lost interest in everything but I'm slowly gaining it back .

After having breakfast, I cleaned around the house and sat in the lounge watching TV for a bit. I couldn't go outside because it was cold and raining.

A few hours had passed by and I figured it was time for me to make lunch for me and Tristan. It's been a while since I cooked for him and he might get back any minute.

I set down everything I need and start cooking. I've always found cooking very therapeutic and soothing. But I haven't had the energy to cook for months now.

A few moments later I hear footsteps nearing into the kitchen as I grab a spatula and check on the sauce in the pan.

"You're out of bed." Tristan exclaims, making his way over and getting behind me as I stir the sauce in the pan. He grabs at my waist and kisses the side of my neck.

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