4• the developing relationships

Start from the beginning

"Oh Isabella, you have no idea" Laura shook her head with a laugh.

"Aw they're fan girling over the matching bucket hats" she laughed, making Laura giggle too.

"You two would break the internet if you got together" Isabella spoke up again, a smile on her face.

"Oh shush" Laura weaved her off, and she laughed again.

"Did you take any pictures together?" she asked again.

"Like, just me and Ross?" Laura questioned.


"I think so" she murmured searching for them in her iPad "Yeah I have this one. We took a selfie at the mall with our matching bucket hats" she laughed.

"That's cute! Post it" Isabella entouraged.

"You just want to make people freak out even more" Laura gave her a look and Isabella shrugged "Guilty"

"Fine I will"

Back in the Sabrina set, Ross was right on work. He read the script like a machine, and memorized every line, and now he was putting it out there.

"I'm sorry, Sabrina, but if you can't choose between me and Nick I'm going to need to make the choice..." he paused for dramatic effect, looking at Kiernan all dolled up in her Sabrina attire "and I can't be with you if you flirt with him every time I'm not there. I don't share"

"Harvey" Kiernan spoke in a soft voice "Look, I didn't mean it to look that way. What you saw...It's not what happened. Please, I don't want to lose you. You can't leave me!"

"I think you need to figure yourself out first" Ross shakes his head "and I think I have to think about myself this time, and be selfish for once. I've given you too much of me already"

"No please don't-"

"Bye...'Brina" Ross whispers and shakes his head as he walks off.

"Cut! That was good. That was good, but Ross, you seem a bit off. If I needed a robot to recite the lines, I'd just built one. I need you to open up more. Get those feelings out" Roberto spoke, looking at Ross as he lectured him.

"I'll do better" Ross nods and Roberto pats his shoulder "Come on kiddo. I know you've got it in you"

"Yeah" Ross murmured as he approached Kiernan again, and she furrowed her eyebrows at him in question, but decided against speaking up since Roberto had alredy called "Action"

After they were done shooting for the day, the cast had went out for dinner, and Ross was quietly sipping on his beer, when Kiernan finally had the guts to ask him the question that had been bothering her the whole day on set.

"Are you okay?"

Ross furrowed his eyebrows at her, like she'd just asked an absurd question.

"Of course I'm okay" he spoke to her "Why would I not be?"

"You heard what Roberto said...you seemed off. Not just in character but out of it too, since last night. You're more quiet then usual...is everything fine? You know you can talk to me"

"Keeks that's sweet and all but.." Ross scratched his jaw as he looked away "I'm fine...just was in a bit of a shock last night"

"Shock?" Kiernan raised her eyebrows.

Fuck, he didn't want to spill out anything. He didn't even want to say it out loud.

"Yeah..uh, I can't quite explain it"

"Does it have to do with Laura?" Kiernan pressed her lips, poking him for an answer and he sighted "Kind...of. I just..I miss her sometimes, and yesterday..."

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