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Welcome to the daily show of....

What Are the North American Brothers Up To?!

Today on this lovely morning in Waterloo, the North American brothers are currently running for their lives from their parent figures!

Let's get some live action in on this shall we?


"AMERICA WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO NOW YOU UNPREDICTABLE BIPOLAR TREE!?" Canada shouted as he ran alongside his younger brother.

Everytime he comes to visit America, it's always like this! Always running away from something! The police, the FBI, the opossum, the creepy guy from the corner of the bar- It just never ends!

America did his usual hero laugh, he then huffed proudly, "I, my maple brethren, have just slapcammed yee oldeth men!"

"Is slapcamming even a thing anymore!?" Canada shouted.

"Well that doesn't matter as of now because- OOF!" America seemed to notice his surroundings, for he and Canada have ran their asses into a wall.


"Look at what you made me do Amerique! You made me trudge through this forest, chasing after you like a maniac, and made me have all these spores get stuck on my clothes!" France cried as he caught up to England.

"I will kill you both with my pure, raw rage you hear!?" England growled, gritting his teeth.

America gulped, his mind searched for ways out of this. He thought and he thought until finally, an idea!

America stepped forward in front of Canada, acting like a shield.

He then spoke, with much hesitation in his voice, "You can't."

"Amerique, what." France asked, looking dumbfounded at the American.

"Any why is that? Give me your reasons." England questioned teasingly, raising an eyebrow better than he did America.

"It's because we're babey." America replies.


As you can see, America has a defense plan to save him and his innocent brother from being attacked!

What will be their next move!? Let's take a look into Canada's thoughts on this!



'Oh my goooooooooooooood.'

'My brother is a fucking dumbass. Where is the fucking receipt, I want a refund.'

Canada stood there, he was a little touched that America was standing up for him, but dumbasses will remain dumbasses.

"...... What the fuck? America, is this your way of buffering me? I'm blown away. Not even by that, but your unclear desperation and dumbassery." England stated, "And what the hell does that even mean? Did you ram your bloody empty head against a tree while running? How did it even destroy what isn't even there?"

"Ok well first of all, bitch. Second of all, it's just that we're babey and we can't die." America curtly replied.

"America we know we're immortal just let Angelterre have his moment." France comments exhaustedly.

"Well a title does not stop me from killing you." England states.

"First off, babey isn't a title, it's a role. And when one is babey, they cannot be killed." America replies.

England waved his wand, preparing to cast a spell, he then began muttering chants and other words that were not apart of any of the surrounding nations knowledge.

France looked over at the non-existent camera with dead frog eyes, "This is what I deal with on the daily."

"HOATA!" England cried, shooting a glowing green beam of light from his wand.

America faced the magic with a face of no fear, as the beam grew closer, it had deflected off a barrier.

"What!?" England shouted, "How in the bloody hell did you learn magic!?"

America smirked, "You activated my trap card," America then let down his guarding pose, "It's not magic old man, it's power."

"Power of what!? How do you explain it then?!" England yelled in confusion and anger.

"It's the power of babey." America grinned smugly.

This no longer was a chase, this was a battle between a strange power and magic between two immortals.


Now, where have France and Canada gone?

Keep moving the camera and keep it rolling!


Canada and France sat next to each other under a tree, watching the fantasy fight unfold.

Silence was the only sound there besides the loud booms from the movie-like battle in front of them.

"You're not mad at me?" Canada asked France.

France smiled, "How could I? I know the difference between my family, though you were sneaky back then, you probably wouldn't be doing things like," France pointed over to America with a hamburger launcher, "That."

Canada chuckled, "Cheesy."

Silence grew over again as they watched the Yu-Gi-Oh esque fight.

"Want a weed brownie?"


A/N: The power of babey is unreal.
Maybe America is a dumb bipolar and Canada is a sneaky bastard they're both babey!

I had this chapter prewritten so this one is not a request, but I am working on another suggestion as of now!

Just remember, all Hetalia characters are babey!

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