Bless Yo Heart

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"FUCKING HELL WHY DID I CHOOSE TO WALK AGAIN?!" England shouted to himself in frustration as he and the other G8 members besides America walked down the streets. "It is too hot..." Russia commented to himself.

"How do people live in this weather?" Italy asked. Just then the group saw a person who was leaning on a building.

"Ah! Hey excuse me, could you please tell us where XXXX Ct. is?" Germany asked the person.

The unidentified person took off their hood and eyed the group for about 45 seconds. "..... Before that do you need some AC and water cause I'm pretty sure Mr. Tall dude needs it in the back right there. Actually no correction I'm pretty sure the lot of you need some water." The teen replied eyeing the bunch of Asians and Europeans.

Small Timeskip

"Thank you lad... I would've died out there." England groaned thanking the boy. "Mmhmm no prob. Oh and to answer you question XXXX Ct. is just right around the block so no need. Though I'm curious why you were walking instead of taking a car." The boy asserted.

"Well, THIS smartass thought it would be a good idea to walk because he thought that it would only be a short walk when the lady at the store in the middle of nowhere said that it was short." France replied, he then chugged some water down.

"Pfft Wait... Was that old lady black, slightly round, and did she call one if you sweet pea?" The boy asked holding his laughter.

"Yes! Do you know her?" Italy interjected. "PFTTTT-" The boy erupted into laughter.

"What is so funny?" Germany asked. "Ohhhh myyyy goood you saw Mrs. Johnson? Oh my god bless your hearts you guys are-" The boy took a while to regain his breath, "You Guys didn't realize?! She was flirting with y'all ohhh myyy- OH SHIT IM LATE FOR WORK SEE YALL LATER BYE!" The kid somehow swiftly left the store running off.

"So quick... And what did he mean by bless our hearts?" Russia asked himself. "She was flirting? I didn't even realize!" Italy commented to himself. "We can ask America that later. We are late enough to the meeting, let's get going." Japan replies. Everyone agreed to this logical conclusion and finally, after 50 minutes, arrived at the meeting.

"DUDE WHAT TOOK YOU GUYS SO LONG?!" America blasted in their ears. "Zhis one thought zat it was a good idea to walk here and we ended up having to be taken care of by one of your citizens!" Germany replied. "Really?! Who'd ya see?" America replied back. "Ve~ It was a boy with a brown hoodie and he was about big brother France's height!" Italy replied doing (demonic) weird hand gestures.

"He also said something really confusing. Our hearts were blessed or something!" Italy exclaimed. "Oh then he just called you guys idiots." America stated bluntly as he sipped on some Coke. "Huh?! How?!" England questioned. "Quite rude, though that is a strange way of calling us idiots." China muttered to himself. "Passive aggressiveness Huh?" Russia asserted.

————————————————————A/N: Yup. Bless your hearts is an insult.

To add on, they are having a meeting in Arizona aka the oven of America cause you can go cook with the heat of the sun. It's hot as shit. And if you live in the South, you would probably know many black, sassy, and awesome ladies named Mrs. Johnson. Be honest, you're not Southern if you've never talked to a Mr. or Mrs. Johnson.

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