Chapter 41. Planning and Preparing

Start from the beginning

" *sigh*

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" *sigh* your real huh?" I question. "Well you seem calm to face me. It wasn't like that before." The thing said. Laughing a bit. "Well, now that I know you were aren't a figment of my imagination after that Ursa attack and I was head trauma delusion, I know you aren't here to hurt me. I remember you saying that in our first conversation. You also said you name was Venom right?" I asks. "Ohh your a cleaver one. You remember. Your memory isn't as poor as some students make it out to be." Venom said. Moving his snake like body around. "Of course. Those people underestimate me." I said. "Now I have a question to you. Why is it after we first talked you just never came back and acted like you are I just indivisible friend I made up?" I asks. The beast responds. "I was testing you. And let just say, you passed. Your a perfect host for me." Venom said. "Great... " I muttered. Now I'm official stuck with this monster. You know, I'm not gonna be surprised if he's the one doing all those nighttime killing of criminals. Really im not. But hey, at least their criminals. Especially Roman criminals. "So your not here to hurt me. I found that out the first talk we had, how you haven't killed me. Even after the escape from GenTek." I said. Staring the thing in the eyes. "So, what's your endgame with me?" I asks. "It's simple (Y/N). Like I told you, I need a host to survive. But to give you answer, I'm here to protect you, and anyone who needs help." Venom explained. Wow. For someone who has insanely wicked teeth and with a horrifying face, that was the most heroic and genuine response I've ever heard. In my life. "I've sworn to protect the innocent, and stop and eliminate any evils that dares show their face. And those who try, lose their life." Venom said. And I wonder why he would make a sworn like that. He doesn't seem like the hero type. And well. What he said wasn't entirely heroic, as he basically just admired he does in fact take lives, and just admit, yeah. He's the Nighttime Grimm everyone is fearing. And he's the one who makes criminals and any other cruel bastard think twice before leaving to do crime. "Well... Other then the killing... You don't seem... Too bad, I guess. I mean you do put Roman in a tight spot like what we do. But I wish you didn't have to kill." I said looking away, scraching the back of my head. "I'm sorry, but that's my way dealing with criminals. Those scum bags don't deserve mercy. But not all are as cruel as them. Do they live, the most wicked criminals die." Venom explained. Damn. This is a serious and dark vigilante. But, it also scares me too. Like this thing knows what it means to be a vigilante, and has a on point sence who's worst of worst and who's just a simple crook, but I just wanna confirm this. "Ok... I have another question for you. And it's not a obvious one ok?" I said. "Yes?" Venom asks. Looking at me with his blank white eyes. "Did you really did those robbery massacres?" I asks. "Yes. I also took care of our friends in GenTek. And that's Blackwatch." Venom said with no hesitation. (Y/N) remembers that cop told him about that Blackwatch team wipe out. "How did you do it though?" I asks. "When you sleep, I make my move, and that when WE strike." Venom explained. "We?" I asks. "But I'm going to be honest it's impressive you do that when I'm dead asleep." I admit. "It is. I may be a massive being, but I I'm a deadly ninja. And what I mean by We, it's obvious. I'm part of you, and your part of me, I need a host to survive and to live and preform basic motor skills, and i gel on you by granting you power and protection. And together, We become something more, something stronger, something superior, WE BECOME VENOM." Man. This thing is something less... This creature just told me everything that has been on my mind for as long as I escaped GenTek, and again, I didn't sence any lie in his body language or in his voice. And for being a literal alien from space, it was an honest one. "But that means you really do kill people huh...  And you eat them... " I said, as I realized a little too late, I started to feel a tad bit sick. As since this thing was inside of me, dose this mean if he eats something, dose it go into Venom, or me? That's what made me sick. "Oh god the thought... " I mutter as I hold back the urge to throw up. "Call it fuel to the tank." Venom said. "How I'm suppose to explain this to the others, or learn how to tame him, or even control these super human bullshit...?" I mutter. I closed my eyes, trying to relax, but I felt something near my face. I open my eyes. "Oh..!" Venom was near my face again, as I leanded back.

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