Drabbles Challenge: Ryan Seaman x Reader

Start from the beginning

"Forgot something," Ryan asked, still standing under the newly shining lamp.

"The- the door is locked," you told him, turning around in confusion.

"You have to push," he laughed.

"I know, I tried that," you turned back to the door, and tried it again, but to no avail.

"Here, let me, sometimes it's a bit hard."

You stepped aside, and watched as Ryan tried his luck, but failed as well.

"Yup, the door is locked," he agreed.

"How did that happen," you wondered, placing the toolkit down, "I didn't lock it when I came in, I don't even have keys."

"Neither do I..."

So the door had been locked from the outside.

You walked over to the window to the control room, pressing your nose against the window and shielding the sides of your faces with your hands as to blend out the reflecting lights.

"There's someone," you exclaimed, and knocked against the glass, "hey, excuse me, could you unlock the door, please?"

Ryan stepped next to you, already trying copy your posture, but then the light on the other side turned on, revealing Dallon standing by the door.

"Not before the two of you have had a serious talk in there," he declared, before he walked out of the door, and the lights on the other side turned off again.

"What-" both Ryan and you stood there, mouths hanging open.

Ryan was the first one to move; after all he knew what this was about.

"I hate him," he mumbled, walking back to his drum set, and sitting down.

"Great, I wanted to go home," you whined, "Hey Dallon, I want to go home!"

You were fully aware that he could not hear you.

Throwing your arms up in the air you sat down on the chair you had used as a ladder.

"Looks like we're gonna be stuck here for a while," you mumbled to yourself, and Ryan nodded.

For a few minutes you were sitting in silence, thinking about why Dallon might have locked you in here. Surely it was a stupid prank between him and Ryan, and you had just gotten in the way, right? But then you thought about what he had said about the two of you talking. Talking about what? You turned to look at Ryan, who swivelled around on his chair.

"Hey, you don't happen to know what Dallon was on about when he said we should talk, do you," you asked, hoping that maybe Ryan had a clue.

"No idea," he shrugged but his voice was unusually high.

Questioningly you raised your eyebrows at him. When he caught your glance, his shoulder slumped.

"If I'm right, it's about something I told him a while ago, but that doesn't give you the right to lock us in here Dallon, do you hear me?"

The last part he spoke to the windows. But he was only greeted with silence.

"What did you tell him that made him lock you up," you giggled, curious by now.

Ryan shrugged.

"Not important."

You considered disagreeing, but if this was between Ryan and Dallon you had no right to know about it.

"How long do you think he'll keep us here," you wondered, getting up from your chair, and walking towards the window.

"As I know him, he could play the game the entire night," Ryan mumbled.

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