What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XLIII...

Start from the beginning

The residence, living (more or less) room...Nandor feeling the "fancy" room be best preserved for truly crucial events such as that which had just transpired.

"I can't believe Dr. Van Helsing possessed me..." Jen sighs. "You're sure I didn't say anything wrong?"

"No, he was quite the gentleman...Though I think he likes you." Laszlo smiles, patting her hand. "By his lights, I think he was trying to be kind about things."

"Yes. He offers it as a mercy killing. Wonderful." Nadja glares. "What do we do now? A Vampire Slayer is on her or his way even now...She could be the Cicely, on our trail."

"Seems strange he'd warn us...You." Ginny pondered. "Why let us know?"

"Self-righteous flummery, no doubt." Laszlo shrugs. "Give the pitiful wretches fair warning and a chance to repent, that sort of thing..."

"I think he was sincere, Laszlo Cravensworth..." Nandor shakes head. "A very gentlemanly fellow...Though lovely as always, Miss Jennifer."

"Thank you, Master Nandor. I'm sorry I couldn't kill him or drive him out..." Jen sighs.

"Yeah...Ya shoulda." Jacqueline glares. "Ya probably..." she yawns deeply... "Workin' with the feds and him...Gotta wire." She fumes a bit then calms, head nodding...Yawning again.

"I think Miss Jacqueline needs a ride home and a chance to sleep." Laszlo notes. "Could you take her home, Erika? I'd also like Virginia to take Jennifer home, in a bit. I'm a bit concerned the experience exhausted her as well."

"And Suzette is waiting for you..." Nadja adds, nodding.

"Thank you, Master...Mistress." Jen beams. "I would like to tuck Suzy in but I feel ok, really. Maybe just a bit tired if Ginny doesn't mind taking me."

Ginny nodding... "Glad to, sir."

"Of course, mein Master." Erika bows head. "Jackie? Time to go. Come..." she offers hand. Jackie frowning...

I'm read' ta...Die...Mighty yawn...For ma mistres'.

"Go, Jacqueline. Now." Nadja commands.

"Yes, Mistress." Jackie rose immediately, attempting to smooth suit.

"And drink water and get some rest when you get home..." Laszlo adds. "You too, Erika. You can return at dawn. We'll be fine till then."

"I will and I will remind her, Master." Erika notes. "A fine goodnight to all."

"Yes, a very fine evening, ladies..." Laszlo, bowing to the departing ladies. "Good night, girls." Nadja nods. Nandor bowing to them.

"Ok, thanks...He's cute the Mistress' guy. Is that ok to say?" Jacqueline asks Erika as they head out.

"Did I say anything useful, Master?" Jen, earnestly to Laszlo.

"It was all rather vague...But the essential point, as the lady wife noted, was that someone is coming to kill/free, depends on your pov...If you're a religious fanatic or not, I mean...Us. And soon."

"Then it could be the gentleman who came here this morning, checking us out defensively." Jen, thoughtfully. "We need to get his full description from Sue."

"It could..." nod.

"We should build up our defenses..." Ginny notes, anxiously. "And you should take the rest of us and maybe a few strong guys. He'll probably attack in the daylight. We should be ready. Master Nandor, you're a general...What should we do?"

"It's likely..." Laszlo agrees. "But lets not panic and take half of Staten Island just yet."

"Laszlo is right...Though your suggestions are not without merit, Miss Virginia." Nandor nods regally...Or Generally.

What We Do In the Shadows: "Jen..."Where stories live. Discover now