“I did everything against my will,” Axel murmured. “I wanted to stop, but I wanted to keep going at the same time…Then I just…”

“[Name] and your little friends have relocated,” Ryuushin leaned against the desk with a sly smile and crossed arms. “Knowing that, where are they?”

“The hell should I know! You made me attack them and run off like a wimp!”

“No,” he shook his head. “They made you attack them. Besides, there still is one more person. Maybe that arrogant child could take me to them. But for now, you better cooperate or I’ll tear you to shreds in front of [Name]’s eyes—understand Sinclair?”

“Go suck one,” Axel spat in the teen’s face, which only ended up in him being kicked into unconsciousness in one hit.


Cooking with Rufus drew attention to you from almost everyone in the house as your giggles and comments echoed throughout the kitchen and into the other rooms. Eventually, a few like Rika, Xion, and Reno—who was dragged in by Rika in order to get his mind off things—joined in. Minutes passed, and before you knew it, you were eating at the kitchen counter, the delicious taste of the food’s seasoning making your mouth burst with flavor.

About half an hour later, you excused yourself as you finished, putting your share of dirty dishes in the dishwasher before exiting. Not long after, Reno joined you, the two of you walking in the endless green of the backyard in silence, looking up at the night sky. His hands were in his pockets as yours were clasped in front of you. Finally, Reno was the one to speak, a long sad sigh escaping his lips.

“[Name]? They’re not gonna kill my brother are they?”

“They can’t,” you shook your head. “They need him to find us.”

“What do you mean?”

“Your brother, Reno… he’s a puppet—a follower. Even if he backlashes at everything they make him do, they can’t kill him since he, and whoever else is in this, are Ryuushin’s only lead into capturing me.”

Seeming to slightly ease up at your words, the redhead nodded slowly, sighing again as he shifted his gaze away from you and in front of him,” Why does he want to kill you [Name]? What happened?”

“Ryuushin was the leader of the little faction he, Zero, and I were in. When I was to get promoted to what soon became our two person group by fulfilling a mission, he got jealous and felt I was depriving him from everything he’s worked for. So, on the night of the mission, he tried to stab me—leave me to start a new life,” you sighed, looking at the floor as you walked. “Of course, now it’s different—he’s corrupt with power.”

“When was all this?”

“Three days before I first came to Hollow Bastion, and Cloud and Leon found me at the park.”

“So it’s soon gonna be four months ago huh?” Reno hummed. “Must be tough.”

“Reno… We’ll get your brother back,” you turned to face him, taking your hands in his reassuringly. “I promise.”

Nodding, Reno smiled slightly, and you returned it, glad to see that even for just a few seconds, his troubles disappeared. It wasn’t permanent, but it was good until you got him his brother back. Not paying attention to his current actions, you were about to turn away when you felt him steady you by your shoulders, and his lips press against yours.

You were taken aback, eyes wide and unsure whether to return the gesture. Of course, you knew though, that his actions were motivated by the desperation to seek comfort. However, the kiss only lasted a few seconds until Reno was briskly grabbed off you, and pushed back, you stumbling backwards steps until falling as well, sighing when seeing who it was.

[KH/FF] Treachery of Fate: Blood and BetrayalWhere stories live. Discover now