chapter 25

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Dan's POV

After Kristy said yes I was over the moon and I couldn't wait until she comes with us to London, I wanted to show her my home and my family.

After the show I was walking back with Kristy to the room, she looked at me and smiled I headed to get a shower before signing some fan stuff., I was on top of the world and I loved being with her.. Once we finished with the fans and seeing them react to me proposing to Kristy I headed to see Kristy waiting she was looking at her ring, I chose a ruby with two diamond around it, I saw her looking and I thought maybe she wants something better??

"Hey do you like it?"

"I love it, how did you know?"

"Well we share the same star sign and birth stone."

(true story, my birthday is two days before Dan)

"I love it so much, I always wanted one with a ruby"

"Well I'm glad I knew then.."

"Thank you so much Dan I love you and I can't wait to marry you"

"Well we should be getting back so we can pack and head to the airport"


We arrived back in england and I was tried as fuck, spending 22 hours on the plane with Kyle going on about cats was exhausting.. I saw Kristy asleep in the taxi.. I looked at her and smiled... Once we were home well my flat, I woke her up so she could see my friends and family.. I wanted to tell them about the engagement and how I love her..

"Hey you don't have to worry my friends and family will love you"

"I know"

"Ok let's go in.."

I took Kristy's hand in mine and we headed inside, once we got in I saw my family and all my friends, they all smiled and hugged me. I saw Kristy stand behind me and she was a bit overwhelmed so I pulled her close to me and made sure she doesn't have to worry about anything..

"Everyone this is Kristy"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sophie, Dan's room mate"

"Nice to meet you Sophie," I said and then I see Kate and she introduced herself.

"I am Kate nice to meet you"

I saw Kristy talking and looking at me smiling I was now next to my mum and dad I missed them so much and I wanted to catch up, I saw the girls giggle over the fact I got Kristy her birth stone as an engagement ring and take her to show how messy my room was.

After a few hours and everyone was now winding down or going out, I was knacked and so was Kristy, she asleep on the sofa, I picked her up and carried her to bed..

Kristys POV:

12 weeks later..

Today was Dan's birthday and I was going to surprise him with some news, I had the best birthday present ever. *flashback to two days ago*
Today was my birthday and I had just got back from being at the studio with dan he was working on a new ablum. I walked through the door needing to puke, I thought to myself why am I feeling sick of a sudden and then it hit me. Since we've been back in London I hadn't had my period. I went to my calendar and saw it had been 14 weeks since I last got it. I headed to the pharmacy that was down the road when I bought a pregnancy test. Heading back home and having what I needed to do I waited for the results to come up. They all said positive, i wanted to make sure so i headed to a walk in doctors and asked if I could see a first available they let me sit down before I got called in. I had bloods taken and then it was time for the ultrasound I was waiting when I saw the little thing on the screen. I cried in joy and was over the moon I am pregnant and I couldnt wait to tell Dan. I walked back home feeling so happy I thought I wasn't able to after what happened in Melbourne when Dan stabbed me. I arrived home and saw Dan he was on his laptop with his headphones, I smiled at him and thought in two days, He will find out..

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