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My name is Kristy I am 25 years old and I've been living on the streets for 2 years now, it's been tough but I have managed and well I wasn't always homeless I had a house and life but that went down hill when my ex boyfriend Cameron was a drug dealer and user I never used before but he got me in the habit and I was addicted and it was hard to stop, I did anything and everything I could to get my hands on some crack.. It was something I got stupid in and I shouldn't over let Cameron let me touch the fucking shit. I was a mess and it made me feel good but once it wore off I got mood swings and it got really bad when I hit a person with my car. I was high and I didn't even care, I got sentence to 6 months in prison. Because they only hurt their leg I got off lightly and well it was hard.

I never been in jail before and the women were bitches and you had to be on their good side or they would make you their bitch. I stuck to my self and when I got out I had no where to go, my family didn't want to know me and I ended up on the streets. It was rough for a few months but I got used to it. I even raided a charity bin just to not get sick from the cold. I had some spot I would go to until they forced us out and we had to find somewhere else. I went to many different areas until I found the back of a hotel the would through out old sheets and pillows and I used them to sleep on. I was all alone and I went on the side walk to get money, most I made in a day was $15 if I was lucky. That was enough to buy me food or drinks. I couldn't even call my family and tell them where I was because they hasn't spoken to me in so long. It has been over two years now and I miss them but they probably think I'm dead.

I had my life in a sort of a routine but when I met a guy who was staying at the hotel he helped me. I was on the curb when his town car pulled up and they got out, I saw him he was Dan Smith from Bastille. They were my favourite band ever. But because my phone didn't work I had to listen to their music in my mind and try and hope I remembered the songs and I did. It was hard because I really loved listening to them..

I noticed Dan looking at me, well it wasn't hard I was a mess and I looked like shit. He kept staring at me and I felt like he was judging me. I was just hoping he would go away and not look at me again.. That was until I bumped into him and he offered me a piece of gum. He was so nice and he had made me feel better even though I looked like I was rolled in shit.

When he saved me from being taken away by police. We went up to his hotel room and he offered me some clothes and a shower. I took his offer and went into the bathroom and showered. The warm water trickling down my body made me feel better, I washed my hair and face and my body. I got out and dried my self. I put the clothes on that Dan had let me wear. I put on the robe on as well and headed out to see Dan on the phone. I got worried he was going to call the cops on me.

"if you want me to leave, you didn't have to bring me up here"

"no, I'm ordering food from room service and I want you too stay"

"Oh sorry Dan, I just get on edge because I haven't been in a room for over 2 years"

"it's ok, you don't have to explain to me"

"can I sit down"

"sure you don't have to ask"

I sat down on the bed and watched as Dan finished ordering, he had the whole menu sent up to us and it was nice of him to do this for me.

I ate and I felt fuller then I have in months, Dan smiled at me and just watched as I ate. I was so hungry and all the food that Dan had ordered me could feed a country. Well not really but you get the picture. Dan had a few things and he was on his phone when he looked over to me and spoke.

"hey you said you had a phone, do you need a charger?"

"yeah I did have a phone but it got wet and it doesn't work anymore"

"Oh that's too bad, well never mind if you want to listen to the band I am in or anything like that just ask me"

"sure.. Look I am grateful you took me in but why are you being so nice to me??"

"you look like you needed food and I couldn't help but see you were in trouble so I wanted to help"

"well thank you, well I best be going then... I'll get out of your hair"

"no, please don't... I can't let you sleep on the streets again"

"why, I've done it for the last 2 years what's different about tonight?"

"please Kristy, just stay please?"

I sat down and gave into Dan's offer. He said that he will sleep on the lounge that was in the room and I got the bed. I felt bad for taking it but he wouldn't let me say no.

After a few hours of watching TV I fell asleep. I hadn't slept on a bed that was so comfortable in a long time and it made me drifting of to sleep easy. Normally when I sleep I have to block out the noise and lights but this bed made it easier for me...

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