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The next day

After being checked out and my nose was broken and I had a fat lip, I stayed with Woody who was really nice and supportive to me. I couldn't believe Dan would do that and make me feel like that. I am going to leave Dan I can't be with someone who does this and furthermore I can't take his money so I'm going to leave when he goes off to practice later today..

I was watching TV when I heard Dan's voice, it made me scared and I couldn't stand to be around him..

"woody, open up its me and I want to speak to Kristy"

Woody:"no Dan she doesn't want to see you and I'm sorry but you aren't seeing her mate"

"for fuck sakes woody let me speak to her"

Woody:"no Dan now go before I get dick up here and call Kyle, and Will.."

Dan punched the door and left, Woody came over to me and hugged me and it was weird how can the guy who I thought loved me be so mean?

I went and laid down on the bed and fell asleep I needed to get Dan out of my mind. I had to leave today I can't be around him any longer.

After woody left and Dan went with them I snuck back into the hotel room and got my stuff and left a note to say I wasn't coming back. With the money I saved up I was going to find a motel and stay there for a few days until I can find something.

I had everything packed when Dan came back in the room, he must of forgot something.

"Kristy I'm so so so sorry please don't hate me"

I didn't say anything and I just stood with my back to him, I didn't want him to make me weak any more, I never in my world think that Dan Smith would lay a hand on fly let alone me..

"Kristy please just stay here and we can work through this"

Dan was now talking and the rears were falling from my eyes. I wanted him to stop and just leave.

He noticed the note and he came over to me with tears in his eyes, "please don't leave, I am sorry please I can't do this please"

Dan was now on his knees I had his head on my stomach running my hands through his hair crying as he cried too, I had to leave as it was for the better and maybe he would get some help..

I walked away and left Dan on the ground he was now sobbing which made me cry even harder, I headed to see the guys and they hugged me, I headed for a taxi, I saw Dan coming out he stopped me from getting in and hugged me. I couldn't do it, Will had to pull him off. He then got angry and the taxi drove away from him..

Dan's POV:

It has been 3 days since Kristy left and I can't believe I fucked it up, if I thought that night I wouldn't of laid a hand on her and I wouldn't of gotten drunk and I wouldn't of made a fool of my self. I had lost it all and now I was to blame.

We headed to the arena for our show tonight I kept Kristy in my mind and when I sang oblivion I dedicated it to her.. The crowed awed and I couldn't help but let the tears flow..

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