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After Kristy fell asleep I headed to the lounge and laid there until I fell asleep, I couldn't believe how she thought I was going to kick her out after giving her food and a shower. I woke early and because I was kinda jet lagged I wanted to get some new songs out. I checked the time and it was 6:45am and still dark, I went to my phone and started to write on it and text my parents because it was 10pm in London. I called my mum and she was so happy to hear from me and I spoke to my dad too. I missed my parents and friends too, but I chose this job so I couldn't really complain...

I was writing down songs when I realised I had been doing it for over 2 hours and it was now nearly 9am, I got up and rang for room service and ordered breakfast for Kristy and me and waited until she woke up. I was getting some clothes out for the day when Kristy woke up and she smiled at me.

"hey, morning sleepy head."

"morning, what time is it?"

"it's now 9:15am"

"sorry for sleeping so late, I must of been so comfortable I slept like a baby"

"haha, it's ok really. I was going for a shower breakfast will be here soon so make your self comfortable and I'll be out in a few minutes"

"Oh, ok thank you"

I went and had a shower and hoped that Kristy was still here when I got out, because I really wanted to make sure she was ok.

After getting out of the shower and drying my self I headed to see Kristy staring at the window and she was in her own world. I didn't want to scare her so i said her name.

"hey, Kristy, room service is here"

"Oh thank you, sorry I was just in my own little world"

"it's ok, come and sit down and have something to eat"

We both sat down at the table and ate. Kristy seemed to be distant and I really wanted her to open up to me so I started to talk to her..

"so today I have to go out for a few hours but you can stay here, then later tonight I am going to an event and I would like it if you would come with me"

"me?, you want me to come with you"

"yes, if you want to..."

"sure but I don't have any clothes and my clothes I had on yesterday aren't something you want to see in a shop"

"that's ok, you can borrow a pair of jeans from me, they may be big and a tshirt, then we can go shopping.."

"Oh, ok well thank you but I'll pass I'll just leave after breakfast. You have been so good to me already I can't take any more of your time"

"please, I will pay you to be with me for the month while we are here in Sydney.."

"you want to pay me to be with you, while you are performing?"

"yes, and I will give you extra money for clothes too and anything you want"

"well I can't and I don't know, you can get any girl for free to be here"

"I don't want anyone else and I really want to help you so please?"

"fine, but we should work out a figure of money then"

"ok well how about for the next 4 weeks, you are at my service and I'll pay you $5000?"

"ok so you want me to be a girlfriend for the next 4 weeks and you will pay me $5k?"

"yes, so do you want to do it?"

"ok deal"

After we figured out what Kristy was going to be with me for the next month I wanted to get her some clothes and supplies and so Kristy headed to the shower and got dressed. She borrowed some of my clothes and we headed down to the shops to get some clothes for her. Her hair was down and she had brown eyes, I couldn't help but stair at her. She was beautiful...

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