chapter 12

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Kristy's POV:

after Dan told me that Sophie who he used to date was a stalker and a crazy crazy ex, I had to do something so I left Kyles room and headed to dicks to see them talking. I walked in and they both turned to me..

"Kristy what are you doing here?"

"I want to tell dick that I think we should do this together and yes I may only of known you a few weeks, I am here and I am not going anywhere"

"Kristy please we have handled it and we are going to a new hotel its been sorted.."

"so that's it you are going to run from her, what about fighting to get her to go away. if she's found you once she will do it again Dan"

"I don't want to talk about it now, please go back to Kyles room.."

"fine, I will.."

I walked out and headed to see the guys they all wondered what was wrong, I put my hand up and told them nothing.. I sat down on the sofa and watched TV until Dan got back. I know Sophie is a crazy ex but she won't get to me. then a few minutes later Dan walked in and tapped my shoulder..

"can we talk?"

"oh me your talking to me?"

"come on"

"no what needed to be said before you made it clear"

"so your mad at me"

"no I'm pissed your letting her win"

after I spoke I walked past Dan and back into our room, Dan followed me and I sighed, I just wanted to be alone and let my head clear. I headed to the balcony and sat down. Dan came out and sat next to me..

"like you said "I'm not going anywhere"

"just leave me alone I need to think, please..."

"fine. I'll be with the guys"

Dan walked out of the room and headed to kyles room. I sat back listening to Bastille, nbhd and other bands because I wanted to get my mind to be clear. I just needed Dan to know that if his crazy ex is out there then she will be back to get us...

Dan's POV

after leaving the room and heading to kyles I sighed and thought I'm not giving up so I walked back in and heard sniffling from Kristy. she was hurt I wasn't letting her in but I needed to get Sophie off my back..

I walked over to her and she started to cry in my arms. I then held her and shhed her she was listening to me on her phone singing sleepsong, I cringed because I hate hearing my voice and so I turned her music off and picked her up,..

"w-w-what are you doing Dan"

"come we will watch TV and order in.."

"are you doing this because I'm mad at you"

"maybe will that be a problem?"

"no I love you so please keep doing it"

"I love you more"

"not possible"

"yes possible"

"no, I love you more than chocolate and that's saying something"

"you are so cute"

"not as cute as you, so what are we going to watch?"

"how about some romcoms and then we cab decide after that??"

"ok but if you chose a movie with spiders in it I will punch you"

"why would I do that I hate them too"

Kristy, kissed my lips and we laid in each others arms watching movies while the guys came in to see what was going on, we all sat on the bed. I had Kristy asleep in my arms when I looked at the time.. it was late so I turned off the lights and fell asleep. I was drifting off when I saw Sophie in my room standing there with a knife...

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