Chapter 26: Oh Crap

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Henry's POV:

It was about 5 in the afternoon. I already completed all the homework online, I didn't have much to do luckily. I was still shirtless because of the ointment. I was sitting in my kitchen eating some ramen when I heard banging at my door. My door has windows and saw who's there, Dylan. Oh God, he can't see me.

Dylan's POV:

I ran to his door and looked through the window. I can see the right side of his body and parts of his back. What I saw broke my heart, he had two big bruises on his back covered by some kind of lotion. I began banging on the door and he shot up at me with fear.

He ran to the door but to not open it, but probably to lock it. Before he reached the door I started opening it. My suspicions were correct when he tried to push it close. Luckily it wasn't difficult to push open since he's so small and I'm so athletic.

I shoved it open and he stumbled back and looked at me terrified. I saw the other bruises on his stomach, I was pissed. He tried to run away but I was able to grab his wrist and pulled him close to me while he was looking away starting to cry. I started to yell a little," Henry who the hell did to this to you!"

He just kept his head turned and started to sob." I'm sorry Dylan, I'm so sorry." What is he doing? Why in the world is he apologizing? I immediately pulled him into me and hugged him as tight as I could without hurting him.

"Never. Apologize. Again." I pulled away and he was looking down in shame. "It's all my fault.", he muttered. I put my hands on both sides of his face and made him face me. He was still crying, looking so sad regretful. "Who did this to you? Was it one of my friends."

He looked down and shook his head no while scratching his arm. His scratching was a tell that he's lying. "You're lying Henry. Was it Alex or Jackson?" He shook his head even harder and scratched his both of his arms even harder, he's lying even more.

"Alright, you're lying even more, so that probably means it was both of them." He started sobbing even more," They said to stay away from you. I was scared of what they do to me, and I didn't want you to lose your friends." I can't believe them, they knew he was under my protection.

I clenched my jaws almost to break them," Don't you worry. They stopped being my friends as soon as they threatened you. I'll take care of them." Then for some reason, he was even more scared. He grabbed my fists," No Dylan please don't it will make it worse. They will only get angrier and you could in trouble and get kicked out of school. If that happens, they'll kill me."

As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. "I'm so sorry babe, your right. Just please, let me take care of you now." He let out a big sigh of relief and nodded yes. I finally closed his door and we walked into the kitchen. He sat back down and was finishing his ramen while I made me a cup of ramen as well.

I finished microwaving it and sat down next to him, he was blankly staring at his cup while eating. "Hey, where are your forks? I don't know how to use chopsticks." He just pointed to the draw, showing no emotions. We just sat and ate ramen for a while in uncomfortable silence. When we finished I decided to take his silverware and clean them.

I finished cleaning while he just sat in his chair with his face down. I rubbed his shoulder," Why don't we go to bed now, you've had a stressful day. Do you want me to carry you?" He nodded his head, yes and I pulled into my arms and held him bridal style. I'm gonna make Alex and Jackson for hurting my little prince.

Henry's POV:

Dylan came over and kinda, broke into my house. I tried to push him out, but he's a lot bigger than me so he just pushed through. I was still shirtless so he saw all my bruises, he was angry. Dylan angry, it truly is a scary sight.

He started yelling asking who did it, I didn't want to tell him. I knew what he would do, it's not right. In all honesty, he was scaring me. I'm not sure how but he was able to figure it out that it was Alex and Jackson, I knew I never should've shown him Criminal Minds.

Eventually, he realized that he was scaring me so he stopped yelling and just hugged me really tight. I just stood there, crying in his shoulders and apologized. He said that all he wanted to do was take care of me, geez what a sap.

We went to the kitchen and I ate my ramen slowly while he made himself a cup of ramen as well. We sat in uneasy silence, he was nice enough to wash all the dishes and clean everything up. He could tell I was tired, he was nice and strong enough to carry me bridal style to my room. It was nice, he lifted me up like I was a piece of paper.

He dropped me in my bed and closed the door. It was cold upstairs, I had forgotten to turn the heat back on. Dylan looked at me and said," Hey your ointment is dried now, put on a shirt before you freeze." I grabbed a shirt out of my dresser but was still cold. "Hey your shivering, why don't you take my shirt and I can help keep you warm."

What is he doing? Won't he get cold too? "It's fine Dylan I can grab a sweatshirt." Before I could grab a sweatshirt he pulled off his shirt and revealed his toned, chiseled body. The man is a walking, fucking statue. He put his shirt on me and it went down to my knees. Then he carried me to my bed and wrapped his body around mine. My face against his chest, with his shirt, smelling like him and him next to me. It was more comfortable than a million blankets fresh out of the dryer.

"You can have your shirt, it's cold and I can just turn on the heat.", I said looking up at him. He just pulled me in tighter," I'm used to training in this weather, I don't mind the cold. Besides, you in my arms is all the comfort I need." I just smiled," I couldn't agree more." He gave me a kiss and I just held him as tight as I could.

"I'm sorry Dylan, I should've told you." He pulled up to his face and just kissed me deeply. I don't think we have ever shared such an intimate kiss. After what felt like hours, when in reality it was probably minutes, we separated to take a breath. "I told you, stop apologizing for things that weren't your fault. You were scared and tried to protect me, you should realize that you don't need to protect me. I'm the one who's suppose to protect you."

Good lord, I love this man, I haven't felt this safe and protected since my dad died. "Don't worry my little prince, I'll take care of them." I just got chills through my spine, not the good kind of chills. I put my hands on his face," No Dylan it's not right for you to handle it. I can handle it, I might have a plan."

"What exactly are you planning?" I just went down and pulled myself closer to his chest," Trust me, it's better if you don't know. You're not gonna like it, but it just might work."

"Whatever you say, my little prince."

"I love you, meathead junior."

Oh God, I said it, it is way too soon. It just slipped out. His reaction was surprising though, I didn't realize.

"I love you too, little prince."

Oh thank God, I didn't scare him.

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