Chapter 22: WTF?!!

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Henry's POV:

WHAT THE FUCK DID HE JUST DO?! My former homophobic bully just finished sucking my face. I pulled back from him feeling so many different things, confusion, fear, lust? He looked at me a little nervous, "There you go my little prince. Did you like it? I hope I didn't scare you too bad, I just hope you like your first hickey." Wait, he gave me a WHAT??!! I quickly jumped to my door and checked my neck in my mirror.

"Holy shit you actually did it? What the hell is up with this?" I start grasping my first hickey freaking out when Dylan comes up behind me. "I'm sorry, I should have asked but I got caught up in the moment and you looked so beautiful I couldn't resist." I can't believe he just did that, I turned to him a little angry," What kind of sick joke is this? I thought we were friends now, so you decide to just give me a hickey? I knew you were a bully, but this takes the cake."

He backed away a little looking terrified," No no no no I've been wanting to do that for so long. I've wanted to ask you out since that morning after the party. I'm sorry for not asking you sooner, I just didn't think I had a chance because of how much I've hurt you. You're far too good for my pathetic ass. I was a coward, and you deserve better. But if you can, please, just let me have a chance." He looked so sad and genuine, I can't believe everyone was right. I really am oblivious to flirting.

He was looking down in shame, I walked towards him and bury myself into his chest. "I'll be yours, I want you to be mine." He kissed me on my forehead and started to cry a little," Thank you, thank you so much, Henry Smith. I promise you I will love you and treat you like the beautiful, amazing prince you are." I looked up at him and pecked him on his cheek," I trust you meathead junior."

We made our way to my bed and I cuddled into his chest while he wrapped his arms and legs around my small frame. He let out a small moan," Mmmm your like a giant teddy bear. I never wanna let you go." I pulled myself up a little until we were facing each other. We stared at each other for a while just admiring each other. He caressed my left cheek pushing my silver hair out of my face. "You should stop covering your eye with your hair, it hides too much of your beautiful face."

I just blushed, hearing him say that just made everything feel right in the world. He palmed my left cheek and kissed me deeply," I love you blushing." We started chuckling a little until my chuckling started to die a little. "So what made you realize you liked me? It's hard to believe the king of the school and someone who's twice my size would be interested in a scrawny loser like me." He took my hand and rested it on his neck and his hand went under my shirt and rubbed my back.

"Never call yourself a loser again. I never want to you hear you say that kind of stuff about yourself. I knew something was different about you when I first saw you on the first day of school, but I knew I had some kind of feeling when I heard you sing. I just didn't know what those feelings meant until the morning after the party." Just him admitting that made my heart flutter, I always felt the same when I saw him for the first time. Wait he mentioned singing, I only sang in public in the music room that no one goes into once. "Wait you heard me sing? I only sang in school in the music room by myself when did you hear me."

His face smile immediately died and he had an 'oh shit' face. "Okay please don't get mad at me. This is gonna sound really creepy. When I heard someone in the music room I peeked my head in and saw you. I was just in awe of your talent. I ran off before you left and hid from you." I remember now, there was a creek at the door. It must have been him. "It's okay, it is a little weird but I don't mind weird. Besides, who am I to deny some muscular meathead junior to protect me and keep me warm."

He let go of me and took his shirt off and to take a fake stretch while he was really flexing. "Oh sorry I just hope you don't mind a do a little stretching." He says stretching his arms behind his head flexing his pecs and abs. "I also gotta do a little bit of this." He stretches his arms out towards his left and right and flexed his big biceps. Doing this while I cover my face with my covers laughing. I couldn't help it, yes he was hot and chiseled but doing that to impress me was just too funny. He then jumped on top of me while I covered my face with my hands trying to hold back my laughter.

He laid on top of me but rested on his hands and knees preventing from crushing me and not letting me up. He put his face right in front of mine while I was holding back my laughter. "Hey come on let me see your cute little laughing face." I just shook my head no, I was too embarrassed to show him. "Nope wrong answer." He sat up and sat on my stomach and his knees to keep from hurting me. Then he grabbed my hands pulled them off my face and held them down on both sides of my face.

I just stare at him laughing. He held his face right next to mine," There you go, that's what I want to see. It's nice to see you laugh like this." We finish laughing after about a minute and he is still holding my hands down," Okay can you let go now before I get flashbacks?" He smirked and rolled over to my side and gave me a big sloppy kiss on my cheek. I returned to give him a kiss on his neck. He blushed and gave another devilish smirk. "Oh, so you want another mark? How about I give you another and you give me one. We mark each other to show that we're taken."

I start to get a little nervous," I'm not entirely sure I know how to. I've never given anyone a hickey." He caressed my face and then leaned into my ear," I'll give you another example." He dug his face into my neck opposite of my hickey and started nibbling at it giving me another. It felt so good and I started moaning again. I didn't want to it to be loud but decided to not even try because I knew he would stop me to hear me moan. "Ahh Dylan, that feels good."

He kept sucking and licking my neck and grazed it with his teeth while caressing my chest and stomach under my shirt. He pulled away admiring his handiwork," There, you do it just like that. Do you think you can do that?" He held his phone up using his camera showing me my new mark. I started rubbing my new mark, I now have two. Both being dark and purple, it won't be as easy for me. I nodded my head nervously," I'm not sure I can do as well as you." He smiled and comforted me," It's okay baby, I don't care if you can or cannot. I'm not here for your amazing looks or your body, I'm here because you brighten me up and make me happier than I have ever been."

I quickly pecked his neck and then started kissing and sucking at it. I kept licking and sucking until I started to hear him moan my name. "Oh fuck, Henry." I pulled away," Am I doing it right?" "Yeah you are, keep going though you're not done yet." I started sucking and licking again while he moaned my name. He rolled onto his back while I sat on his lap and began grinding feeling his erection while mine rubbed against his stomach. After about my 2 minutes I pulled back and saw the mark I left on him.

The sad part was that it was no near as dark as the one he left me, I started to feel a little intimidated. He rolled me onto my side and took his phone out again to look at the hickey I left him. I stared at him scared, what if he isn't impressed by what I left him and thinks I'm a pathetic loser. "Hmm, good job for your first time my little prince." I sighed in relief," Good, I'm glad you like it. I was scared you didn't like it because it isn't as dark as the two you gave me."

He wrapped his legs around mine and wrapped his arm around my small frame and pulled me closer to his chest. He kissed my forehead," There's nothing you can't do that won't impress me, except for maybe sports." I nodded," Yeah your right, I suck at sports compared to you." "Who cares? You're great at making me lose my mind over you." He gave me a big kiss on the lips, damn his lips just felt so soft. After about a minute we pulled away and I yawned. Dylan quickly got up and turned off the lights and jumped back into bed wrapping his body around me. "Come on Henry, let's go to sleep. It's been a long day."

"Goodnight Dylan"

"Goodnight, little prince."

Once lost, and now foundजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें